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Event API

Category: Communication

Fired when a player is added or removed from the ignore list. Event is called twice. Not certain why it is called twice.

Category: Misc
Category: Inspect,Misc


Category: Inspect,Misc


Category: Talents

After a NotifyInspect(unit) is called, this is fired, indicating the Inspected player's talents have been loaded.

The GUID of the unit the inspection data is being provided for

NOTE: Added in the 4.0.1 patch

Category: Talents

After a NotifyInspect(unit) is called, this is fired, indicating the Inspected player's talents have been loaded.

NOTE: This event was removed in the 4.0.1 patch

Category: Instance

Fired when the countdown to boot a player from an instance starts.

Category: Instance

Fired when the countdown to boot a player from an instance stops.

Category: Instance


Category: Instance


Category: Instance

Fired when quitting the game.

Category: Item

Fires when an item gets "locked" in the inventory or a container

Bag of item
Slot of item
Category: Item

Fires when the "locked" status on a container or inventory item changes, usually from but not limited to Pickup functions to move items.

- If arg2 is non-nil:

Bag of updated item.
Slot of updated item.

- If arg2 is nil:

Equipment slot of item
  • Usually fires in pairs when an item is swapping with another.
  • Empty slots do not lock.
  • GetContainerItemInfo and IsInventoryItemLocked can be used to query lock status.
  • This does NOT fire on ammo pickups.
Category: Item


Category: Item

Fired when an item is pushed onto the "inventory-stack". For instance when you manufacture something with your trade skills or picks something up.

the bag that has received the new item
the path to the item's icon

Category: Item

Fired when an items text begins displaying

Category: Item

Fired when the items text has completed its viewing and is done.

Category: Item

Fired when the item's text can continue and is ready to be scrolled.

Category: Item

Fired when an item is in the process of being translated.
