Category: Communication,Party |
Fired when a message is sent or received in the Party channel.
Category: Communication,Party |
Fired when a message is sent or received by the party leader.
Category: Communication,Party |
Fired when a message is sent or received in the Raid.
Category: Communication,Party |
Fired when a message is sent or received from the raid leader.
Category: Communication,Party |
Fired when a warning message is sent or received from the raid leader.
Category: Party, Raid |
Category: Party |
Fired when you decline a party invite.
Category: Party |
Fired when a player invite you to party.
Category: Party |
Fired when the player's leadership changed. Referred to as buggy.
Category: Party, Instance |
Category: Party,Loot |
Fired when the party's loot method changes
Category: Party |
Fired when the player's party changes. As of 1.8.3 this event also fires when players are moved around in a Raid and when a player leaves the raid. This holds true even if the changes do not affect your party within the raid. 4-2-05 Edit: This event is called twice when the event PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED is called. 7-28-05 EDIT: This event is generated when someone joins or leaves the group, also generated whenever someone rejects an invite and you're in a group. Also, if for instance you have 3 people in your group and you invite a 4th, it will generate 4 events. If you call GetNumPartyMembers() it will return 0, 1, 2, and 3. First event returing zero, 2nd event returning 1, etc etc.
Category: Party |
Fired when a specific party member is offline or dead
Category: Party |
Fired when a specific party member is still connected
Category: Party |
Fired when the player enters an instance that saves raid members after a boss is killed.
Category: Party |
Fired whenever a raid is formed or disbanded, players are leaving or joining a raid (unsure if rejected join requests also fire the event), or when looting rules are changed (regardless of being in raid or party!)
Category: Party,Unit Info |
New in 1.11. Fired when a raid target icon is changed or removed. Also fired when player join or leave a party or raid. arg1 is who gets updated. Note: Does not get triggered if a mob wearing a raid target icon dies (the icon is removed from that mob, however.) Question/Correction: I can not pick up arg1 at all from this event. Change in 1.12? Please clarify if possible. Question/Correction: You are correct. The only arg is 1, which is the event name itself. --Robinson 02:34, 15 January 2007 (CDT)
Category: Party |
New in 1.11. Fired when a Ready Check is performed by the raid (or party) leader.
Category: Party |
Fired when a player confirms ready status.
Category: Party |
Fired when the ready check completes. |