Category: Calendar |
Fired when the calendar has received information about pending event invitations. |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a creature hits another creature. Note that this can fire for players if the server is out of sync.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a creature misses another creature. Note that this can fire for players if the server is out of sync.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a creature hits a party member
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a creature misses a party member
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a creature hits you or your pet
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a creature misses you or your pet
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a friendly player dies
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
If you provide the killing blow, you may or may not get a 'unit dies' event but you will get a 'slain unit' event, the 'slain unit' event is fired before the 'unit dies' message is, if you do not provide the killing blow you will get a 'unit dies'. Fired when any hostile NPC or player dies near you.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a you hit a creature. Also called when you hurt yourself by falling, drowning or burning on a campfire.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a you miss a creature
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired whenever a buff or debuff wears off of a mob, npc, or another player. Does not fire for party members. Examples: Thorns, Trueshot Aura, Recently Bandaged. arg1 is the full chat text, i.e. "Thorns fades from Someguy."
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired whenever a buff or debuff wears off - examples, Prowl, Mark of the Wild, Cat Form, or Disarm. arg1 is the full chat text, i.e. "Prowl fades from you." |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a mob begins casting a beneficial spell and again when the casting is completed. arg1 is the full combat chat text. Examples: Mob begins to cast Heal. Mob's Heal heals Mob for 20.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a creature begins to cast a damage spell or when a creature casts a damage spell on a raid member who is not in your group. Also triggered when a pet is damaged by a creature's spell. Ex: Ragnaros' Wrath of Ragnaros hits PlayerName for 1000.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a mob completes casting a harmful spell on you. (The message for the mob beginning to cast is given by CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_DAMAGE.)
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a buff (or possibly item) damages an opponent in response to an action... IE Thorns.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when you fail to successfully cast a spell, for one of several reasons. arg1 is the full combat chat text and includes the reason. Examples: You fail to cast Heal: Interrupted. You fail to perform Bear Form: Not enough mana. |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a non-hostile player begins casting a spell or using a skill.
Some examples:
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired on multiple silly occasions.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Discovered a bug with this event as of v1.8. You can use CHAT_MSG_FRIENDLYPLAYER_DAMAGE to check for "Bob begins to cast Firebolt." However, if Bob joins your party, it does not show up in CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PARTY_DAMAGE as one would expect. It shows up in CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE. This seems to only be the case for "begins to cast". Other damage messages properly show up under CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PARTY_DAMAGE.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a mob gains an "insta-cast" beneficial effect. arg1 is the full combat chat text. Examples: Mob gains Defensive Stance. Mob gains Rushing Charge. Mob gains Demon Skin.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Also records other people's DoT's, whether you are grouped or not, in combat or not. |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a non-hostile player gains a "buff" effect.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
For some weird reason, this event is fired when someone heals yourself or another player, eg "Priest's Flash Heal critically heals you for 2342" Haven't tested any other conditions as of yet.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Indicates afflictions on players which are classified as hostile to the player. Covers ability types such as rend, polymorph, sap etc.
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a buff is cast on self. (Unknown if external buff triggers this).
Also called for each "tick" of recurring effects, such as "heal-over-time" spells. Example: You gain 10 health from Rejuvenation. |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired (possibly among other times) when you are debuffed - so Disarm, Silenced, etc. I know the name doesn't match, but if you want to verify, enable printing this in your chat log. Get into combat and get debuffed. After combat, scroll back up, and while the debuff message is onscreen, change the chat color of this message, and you will see it change... Very strange. I assume this is named after poisons or diseases, but I haven't actually tested if those trigger this. See CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF if you want to know when it wears off (both buffs and debuffs). This is accurate as of US Release 1.2.4 (4222), tested by hacking Scrolling Combat Text.
This is also fired during the Gnomish Death Ray's channel. This is indeed triggered by poison / disease. arg1 messages in the form of: "You suffer 3 damage from Scorpid's Poison" or "You are afflicted by Something" come from this event. --Syllani |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when you cast a beneficial spell. arg1 is the full combat chat text. Examples: Your Heal heals you for 50. Your Regrowth critically heals Someguy for 100. UnitHealth(...) is not updated when this event occours, it is possible to determine the exact overheal with something like this: Overheal = HealFromCombatChat - (UnitHealthMax(...) - UnitHealth(...));
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired whenever you cast a harmful spell, be it direct damage or debuff of any kind, be it Warrior's taunt or DoT. arg1 holds the exact same string that is posted to the Combat Log. (eg. "Your Fireball hits Snivvle for 842.") Also fired when your spell does not actually take effect; ie. if it is resisted, or if the target is immune. A "resist" message is "Your Banish was resisted by Felguard Elite." while an "immune" message is of the format "Your Fire Blast failed. Firelord is immune." |
Category: Skill |
Category: Tooltip |
Fired when the tooltip needs to be wiped
Category: Communication |
Appears in Patch 2.2 PTR. Apparently signals that a player has started speaking using Voice Chat.
Category: Communication |
Appears in Patch 2.2 PTR. Supposidly indicates that a player has stopped speaking using Voice Chat.
Category: Pet |
Category: Tradeskill |
Fired when a crafting skill window closes. Crafting skills are Enchanting, <craftSkill2>,...
(since at least 3.1, seems obsolete. use TRADE_SKILL_CLOSE instead)
Category: Tradeskill |
Fired when a crafting skill window opens. Crafting skills are Enchanting, <craftSkill2>,...
(since at least 3.1, seems obsolete. use TRADE_SKILL_SHOW instead)
Category: Tradeskill |
Fired when a crafting event is updating. (since at least 3.1, seems obsolete. use TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE instead)
Category: Communication |
Category: Guild |
Category: Knowledge Base |
Category: Communication |
Category: Communication |
Category: Communication |
Category: Communication |
Category: Party,Instance |
Category: System |
Fired when all memory allocated to the UI is exhausted.
Note: This event no longer fires. The client no longer uses a fixed memory limit.
Category: System |
Fired when WoW recovers from an out of memory error. Note: This event no longer fires. The client no longer uses a fixed memory limit.
Category: Map |
(this event doesn't seem to be used anymore since 2.4, use ZONE_CHANGED and ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS) Fired whenever the text above the Minimap changes, i.e. each time the player changes the area or the zone in the current area. The main difference to the ZONE_CHANGED event is that at the time the MINIMAP_ZONE_CHANGED event is fired, the GetRealZoneText(), GetSubZoneText() and GetMinimapZoneText() do already return the information for the new zone.
Category: Player,Combat |
Removed as of 3.02. Use UNIT_COMBO_POINTS instead. Fired when your combo points change.
Use the GetComboPoints() API to get the exact number of combo points you have. Note: This event fires for Warriors at seemingly random times.
Category: Pet |
(SEEMS TO BE OBSOLETE - use UNIT_PET, ... = 'player') Fired when a player's pet changes.
Category: Honor |
Category: Misc |
Category: Misc |
Category: Tooltip,Item |
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a spellcaster begins channelling. Removed in 2.0
On version 1.2.1, this event doesn't seem to work.
Category: Obsolete Events |
As of 1.10, replaces both the final SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE (arg1==0) and SPELLCAST_STOP for channeled spells. Removed in 2.0
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a channelling spell is updated. Removed in 2.0
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a spellcast duration is increased. Removed in 2.0
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a spell fails. Will correctly fire for spells failing due to lack of mana as of 1.11. Removed in 2.0
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a spellcast is interrupted. Removed in 2.0
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a spellcast is begun. This event seems to work if the spell has a casting time. For instant, there is no SPELLCAST_START but SPELLCAST_STOP. Removed in 2.0
Category: Obsolete Events |
Fired when a spell cast stops. Removed in 2.0
You could also check for the Banish debuff on the target, but that's a can of worms because the player can switch targets mid cast (which does happen in nutty endgame instances).
Category: GlueXML |
Category: Unit Info,Buff |
Seems like the same as UNIT_AURA above (including arguments) but only for short buffs. As a Paladin, it was triggered each time I gained a 30 second buff (Paladin Seals), lost/canceled it, or switched targets from another player to myself. Needs more testing with other classes etc. |
Category: Tooltip |
Event was removed in v1.7. See OnTooltipAddMoney(money) Fired when a tooltip has money added to it.
Category: Tooltip |
Fired when the tooltip anchor should be reset
Category: Unit Info |
Category: Unit Info,Pet |
Category: Unit Info |
-removed in 1.11, use UNIT_FACTION instead. Fired when the UI is loaded, and when player PVP status is changed or updated.
Category: Unit Info,Spell |
Fired when a spell misses
Category: Misc |
GlueXML? |
Category: Communication,Map |
This doesn't seem to be sent for WorldDefense - it comes in on CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL and totally skips the ZONE_UNDER_ATTACK code in the client. Is the same true for LocalDefense? |