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Event API

Category: Misc

Fired when it is possible to save a tabard.

Category: Misc

Category: Misc

Fired when the taxi frame is closed.

Category: Misc

Fired when the taxi viewer is opened. Note that this will fire even if you know no flight paths connected to the one you're at, so the map doesn't actually open.

Category: Player,Talents


Category: Player,System,Communication

Fired when the client received a time played message.

Total time played in minutes
Current time at this level in minutes

Category: Achievements

Fired when a timed event for an achievement begins or ends. The achievement does not have to be actively tracked for this to trigger.

Actual time

, arg4 : Time limit

Category: Trade

Fired when the status of the player and target accept buttons has changed. Target agree status only shown when he has done it first. By this, player and target agree status is only shown together (arg1 == 1 and arg2 == 1), when player agreed after target.

Player has agreed to the trade (1) or not (0)
Target has agreed to the trade (1) or not (0)

Category: Trade

Fired when the trade window is closed by the trade being accepted, or the player or target closes the window.

Category: {{{2}}}


Category: Trade

Fired when the trade window's money value is changed.

Category: Trade

Fired when an item in the target's trade window is changed (items added or removed from trade). First call not fired when start trading by dropping item on target.

index of the trade slot changed
Category: Trade


Category: Trade

Fired when the player must confirm an enchantment replacement in the trade window.

new enchantment
current enchantment

Category: Trade

It appears that this event was removed from the game. It was once used to ask you if you wanted to accept or reject a trade. It no longer triggers, not even when "Block Trades" is enabled.

Fired when another player wishes to trade with you.

player name

Category: Trade

Fired when a trade attempt is cancelled. Fired after TRADE_CLOSE when aborted by player, before TRADE_CLOSE when done by target.

Upon a trade being cancelled (as in, either part clicking the cancel button), TRADE_CLOSE is fired twice, and then TRADE_REQUEST_CANCEL once.

Category: Trade

Fired when the Trade window appears after a trade request has been accepted or auto-accepted

Category: Tradeskill


Category: Tradeskill

Fired when a trade skill window is closed.

Category: Tradeskill

Fired when a trade skill window is opened.

Category: Tradeskill

Fired immediately after TRADE_SKILL_SHOW, after something is created via tradeskill, or anytime the tradeskill window is updated (filtered, tree folded/unfolded, etc.)

Category: Trade

Fired when an item in the target's trade window is changed (items added or removed from trade).

index of the trade slot changed

Category: Trade

Fired when the trade window is changed.

Category: Trainer

Fired when the trainer is closed.

Category: Trainer


Category: Trainer

Fired when the class trainer frame is shown.

Category: Trainer

Fired when the trainer window needs to update.

Category: Misc

Fired when the tutorial/tips are shown. Will not fire if tutorials are turned off.
