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Expert Engineering schematics ‹‹ Engineering
Engineering Icon Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Engineering (Profession)
IngredientsProficienciesQuestsRecipesTrainersEconomical Training

Engineering Schematicse
Master Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
Grand Master Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
Illustrious Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
Zen Master Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.
Draenor Master Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found.

A type of schematic that requires skill within Expert Engineering proficiency. Expert Engineering schematics are taught by Engineering trainers, given as a reward for completing an Engineering quest, found as loot or purchased from a vendor.

Expert Engineering schematics[]

Expert Engineering proficiency can be trained as early as level 20 and 125 skill, permits progression up to 225 skill and access to the following schematics:

Skill Item Mining Materials Components Schematic Source
155 [Ice Deflector] - 1 [Frost Oil]
1 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
Limited sale recipe sold by:
AllianceRizz Loosebolt in Alterac Mountains
160 [Discombobulator Ray] 1 [Jade] 1 [Bronze Tube]
2 [Silk Cloth]
3 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
Trained by:
Neutral 15Matrix Punchograph 3005-D
Boss drop from:
Mekgineer Thermaplugg in Gnomeregan
160 [Iron Strut] 2 [Iron Bar] - Engineering trainer
165 [Goblin Jumper Cables] 2 [Shadowgem]
6 [Iron Bar]
2 [Flask of Oil]
1 [Fused Wiring]
2 [Silk Cloth]
2 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
Limited Sale Recipe sold by:
Neutral 15Kzixx in Duskwood
Neutral 15Zixil in Hillsbrad Foothills
Neutral 15Veenix in Stonetalon Mountains
Boss drop from:
Mekgineer Thermaplugg in Gnomeregan
165 [Portable Bronze Mortar] - 4 [Bronze Tube]
4 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1 [Iron Strut]
4 [Medium Leather]
World drop
170 [Gyrochronatom] 1 [Iron Bar] 1 [Gold Power Core] Engineering trainer
175 [Bright-Eye Goggles] 2 [Citrine] 6 [Heavy Leather] World drop
175 [Compact Harvest Reaper Kit] - 1 [Bronze Framework]
2 [Gyrochronatom]
4 [Heavy Leather]
2 [Iron Strut]
Engineering trainer
175 [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor] 4 [Steel Bar] - Engineering trainer
175 [Iron Grenade] 1 [Iron Bar] 1 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1 [Silk Cloth]
Engineering trainer
175 [Large Blue Rocket] - 1 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1 [Heavy Leather]
Quest reward during Lunar Festival
175 [Large Green Rocket] - 1 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1 [Heavy Leather]
Quest reward during Lunar Festival
175 [Large Red Rocket] - 1 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1 [Heavy Leather]
Quest reward during Lunar Festival
175 [Solid Blasting Powder] 2 [Solid Stone] - Engineering trainer
175 [Solid Dynamite] - 1 [Silk Cloth]
1 [Solid Blasting Powder]
Engineering trainer
180 [Accurate Scope] 1 [Citrine]
1 [Jade]
1 [Bronze Tube] Limited Sale Recipe sold by:
Neutral 15Mazk Snipeshot in Booty Bay
185 [Advanced Target Dummy] - 1 [Bronze Framework]
1 [Gyrochronatom]
4 [Heavy Leather]
1 [Iron Strut]
Engineering trainer
185 [Craftsman's Monocle] 2 [Citrine] 6 [Heavy Leather] World drop
185 [Flash Bomb] - 1 [Blue Pearl]
1 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1 [Silk Cloth]
Flash Bomb Recipe
Boss drop from:
Mekgineer Thermaplugg in Gnomeregan
190 [Big Iron Bomb] 3 [Iron Bar] 3 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1 [Silver Contact]
Engineering trainer
190 [SnowMaster 9000] 8 [Mithril Bar] 1 [Frost Oil]
4 [Gyrochronatom]
4 [Snowball]
Quest reward during Feast of Winter Veil
195 [Goblin Land Mine] 2 [Iron Bar] 1 [Gyrochronatom]
3 [Heavy Blasting Powder]
World drop
195 [Mithril Tube] 3 [Mithril Bar] - Engineering trainer
200 [Ez-Thro Dynamite II] - 2 [Mageweave Cloth]
1 [Solid Blasting Powder]
Limited Sale Recipe sold by:
Neutral 15Blizrik Buckshot in Gadgetzan
200 [Gnomish Cloaking Device] 2 [Citrine]
2 [Jade]
2 [Lesser Moonstone]
1 [Fused Wiring]
4 [Gyrochronatom]
Limited Sale Recipe sold by:
Neutral 15Zan Shivsproket in Hillsbrad Foothills
Boss drop from:
Mekgineer Thermaplugg in Gnomeregan
200 [Large Seaforium Charge] - 2 [Heavy Leather]
1 [Refreshing Spring Water]
2 [Solid Blasting Powder]
World drop
200 [Mechanical Dragonling] 2 [Citrine] 1 [Bronze Framework]
1 [Fused Wiring]
4 [Gyrochronatom]
4 [Iron Strut]
Limited Sale Recipe sold by:
Neutral 15Gnaz Blunderflame in Stranglethorn Vale
200 [Mechanical Repair Kit] 1 [Mithril Bar] 1 [Mageweave Cloth]
1 [Solid Blasting Powder]
Engineering trainer
200 [Unstable Trigger] 1 [Mithril Bar] 1 [Mageweave Cloth]
1 [Solid Blasting Powder]
Engineering trainer
205 [Fire Goggles] 2 [Citrine] 1 [Green Tinted Goggles]
2 [Elemental Fire]
4 [Heavy Leather]
Engineering trainer
205 [Mithril Blunderbuss] 4 [Mithril Bar] 2 [Elemental Fire]
1 [Heavy Stock]
1 [Mithril Tube]
1 [Unstable Trigger]
Engineering trainer
210 [Deadly Scope] 2 [Aquamarine] 1 [Mithril Tube]
2 [Thick Leather]
Limited Sale Recipe sold by:
Neutral 15Knaz Blunderflame in Stranglethorn Vale
Neutral 15Yuka Screwspigot in Burning Steppes
210 [Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs] 1 [Mithril Bar] 1 [Solid Blasting Powder] Engineering trainer
215 [Mithril Casing] 3 [Mithril Bar] - Engineering trainer
215 [Mithril Frag Bomb] - 1 [Mithril Casing]
1 [Solid Blasting Powder]
1 [Unstable Trigger]
Engineering trainer
220 [Catseye Ultra Goggles] 2 [Aquamarine] 1 [Catseye Elixir]
4 [Thick Leather]
World drop
220 [Mithril Heavy-bore Rifle] 2 [Citrine]
6 [Mithril Bar]
1 [Heavy Stock]
2 [Mithril Tube]
1 [Unstable Trigger]
World drop
225 [Blue Rocket Cluster] - 1 [Solid Blasting Powder]
1 [Thick Leather]
Quest reward during Lunar Festival
225 [Firework Launcher] - 1 [Goblin Rocket Fuel]
1 [Inlaid Mithril Cylinder]
1 [Mithril Casing]
1 [Unstable Trigger]
Quest reward during Lunar Festival
225 [Green Rocket Cluster] - 1 [Solid Blasting Powder]
1 [Thick Leather]
Quest reward during Lunar Festival
225 [Parachute Cloak] - 4 [Bolt of Mageweave]
2 [Shadow Silk]
4 [Solid Blasting Powder]
1 [Unstable Trigger]
World drop
225 [Red Rocket Cluster] - 1 [Solid Blasting Powder]
1 [Thick Leather]
Quest reward during Lunar Festival
225 [Spellpower Goggles Xtreme] 2 [Star Ruby] 4 [Thick Leather] World drop