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Spell nature polymorph
  • Explosive Sheep
  • Item Level 30
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires Engineering (150)
  • Use: Summons an Explosive Sheep which will charge at a nearby enemy and explode for 135 to 165 AoE damage. Lasts for 3 min or until it explodes.
  • Sell Price: 10s
  • Cooldown: 1 min

Explosive Sheep will wander around for up to 3 minutes, charge at a nearby enemy within some range (?), and explode for 135 to 165 damage when it hits the enemy. Has only 1 charge.


  • The explosion triggers a cooldown for all explosive effects.
  • In PvP, the sheep has greatly increased stealth detection. It can seek out stealthed enemy characters much easier than other players, pets, or guardians can.
  • In PvE, the sheep will not initiate a fight, but will only engage an enemy once the player does, or is attacked.
  • Also see sheep.
  • The sheep is currently bugged, it won't do anything unless attacked.


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It is perhaps the goblins’ delicious — most other races say “dangerous” — sense of humor that gets them into the most trouble. Bring up the exploding sheep incident of the war against the Burning Legion in any tavern in Booty Bay and the goblins there roar with laughter and buy you a drink, each desiring to tell his or her own version of the story.

The tales differ, but most agree that after the Burning Legion had invaded the plague-ridden Lordaeron, most people were dead, undead or fled. One, a goblin tinker merchant traveling through the town, started making mechanical animals to distract any Burning Legion demons so that he could make his slow and panicked way south. One of these devices was cobbled together from wool, wood and some primitive clockwork. On a whim, he decided to fill it full of explosives and have it totter towards the demons. When it exploded, he decided, he would flee in the chaos that followed.

He didn’t expect a demon, a dim-witted felguard, to pick up the sheep and inspect it. He damned himself for outfitting it with a timer and not a remote, but he nearly squealed with glee with the curious demon popped the treat into its mouth. The resulting explosion of demon parts was definitely enough for the tinker to get away, laughing so hard he nearly gave himself away.

Now the mechanical sheep has a bit more thought — and a lot more explosives — put into it. The goblins mainly make them to amuse themselves, giving their enemies a moment of confusion before death, but they are powerful explosives in their own right.[1] (MM&M 196)


Explosive Sheep are created by engineers with a skill of 150.

The components are:
Inv gizmo bronzeframework 01
1x [Bronze Framework]
Inv gizmo 02
1x [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
Inv misc dust 06
2x [Heavy Blasting Powder]
Inv fabric wool 01
2x [Wool Cloth]

The schematic can be learned from a trainer.

As a quest objective[]


External links[]

  1. ^ MM&M, 196