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Felguard Legionnaires

[19.5, 50.7]
[25.5, 35.8]

can be found in Nagrand.


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level School
Cleave Cleave 10 Physical
Cutdown Cutdown 40 Physical


BattleMasterGossipIconName Level Side Rewards Type
Quest:Buying Time 66 Neutral 12000 XP objective_of


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Source Slot Drop%
Mark of Kil'jaeden [Mark of Kil'jaeden] 1 Drop Quest 38.2
Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample [Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample] 65 Drop Junk 8.8
Netherweave Cloth [Netherweave Cloth] 60 Drop Cloth 7.4
Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample [Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample] 65 Drop Junk 4.4
Smoked Talbuk Venison [Smoked Talbuk Venison] 55 Drop, Vendor Food or Drink 4.4
Purified Draenic Water [Purified Draenic Water] 65 Drop, Vendor Food or Drink 2.9
Super Healing Potion [Super Healing Potion] 55 Crafted, Drop, Quest, Vendor Potions 2.9
Clefthoof Gloves [Clefthoof Gloves] 66 Drop Hands (Leather) 1.5
Daggerfen Battlevest [Daggerfen Battlevest] 64 Drop Chest (Leather) 1.5
Scroll of Protection V [Scroll of Protection V] 60 Drop, Quest, Vendor Scrolls 1.5
Broken Longbow [Broken Longbow] 64 Drop Bows 1.5

0.00% Chance of a epic drop.
0.00% Chance of a rare drop.
2.94% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
11.76% Chance of a common drop.
1.47% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created.

Pick pocket[]

Item Level Skill Slot Drop%
A Gnome Effigy [A Gnome Effigy] 1 Pick Pocket Junk 10.0
Strong Junkbox [Strong Junkbox] 60 Pick Pocket Junk 8.6
Smoked Talbuk Venison [Smoked Talbuk Venison] 55 Pick Pocket Food or Drink 2.9
Mag'har Grainbread [Mag'har Grainbread] 55 Pick Pocket Food or Drink 1.9
Super Healing Potion [Super Healing Potion] 55 Pick Pocket Potions 1.0
Azure Moonstone [Azure Moonstone] 65 Pick Pocket Blue 0.5
Flame Spessarite [Flame Spessarite] 65 Pick Pocket Orange 0.5

External links[]
