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Inv misc enggizmos 01
  • Field Repair Bot 110G
  • Item Level 70
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires Engineering (325)
  • Use: Unfolds into a Field Repair Bot that sells reagents and can repair damaged items. After 10 minutes its internal motor fails.
  • 5 Charges
  • Sell Price: 1g

Field Repair Bot 110G is an upgraded version of [Field Repair Bot 74A] - Engineer-created robot that can be deployed anywhere. It essentially functions as a merchant with a repair ability: it can both completely repair gear and purchase items from players. It also sells common reagents and minor Engineering components. It lasts for 10 minutes and there is a 10 minute cooldown on the robot so you can only create one at a time. Item is created with 5 charges.

It is considered to be one of the most important engineering items in the game, especially useful for repairing entire raid groups without having to leave a dungeon.


Field Repair Bot 110G is crafted by Engineers with a skill level of 360.

Materials required
8x Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
8x Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
1x Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [Khorium Power Core]

Recipe makes 5 units/uses at a time.

Raw materials required
16x Inv ore adamantium [Adamantite Ore]
16x Inv ore feliron [Fel Iron Ore]
6x Inv ore khorium [Khorium Ore]
10xInv elemental mote fire01 [Mote of Fire]

The [Schematic: Field Repair Bot 110G] is random drop from Gan'arg Analyzers in Blade's Edge Mountains.

As an engineering ingredient[]

See also[]

  • Repair bot - for a lineup of the various repair bots known, and some history behind them.

External links[]

