- Flamescale Boots
- Item Level 112
- Binds when equipped
- Feet
- 437 Armor
- +27 Stamina
+30 Fire Resistance Blue Socket
Blue Socket
- Socket Bonus: +6 Attack Power
- Durability 60 / 60
- Requires level 69
- Sell Price: 4
This item is crafted by Leatherworkers with a skill level of 350.
The components are:
- 4 x [Heavy Knothide Leather]
- 8 x [Crystal Infused Leather]
- 3 x [Primal Fire]
- 3 x [Primal Water]
[Pattern: Flamescale Boots] is sold by Quartermaster Endarin in the Aldor Bank in Shattrath City. You must be Revered with the Aldor to purchase this pattern.