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Inv potion 11755
  • Flask of Relentless Assault
  • Item Level 75
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires level 65
  • Use: Increases attack power by 120 for 120 min. Counts as both a Battle and Guardian elixir. This effect persists through death.
  • Sell Price: 2g
  • Cooldown: 3 sec

Flask of Relentless Assault is a consumable that increases the player's attack power.


Flask of Relentless Assault is created by Alchemists with a skill level higher than 300.

The components are:

Inv misc herb terrocone
7x [Terocone]
Inv misc herb manathistle
3x [Mana Thistle]
Inv misc herb fellotus
1x [Fel Lotus]
Inv alchemy imbuedvial
1x [Imbued Vial]

The recipe is discovered while making other potions. When you make potions you have a small chance of learning new flask recipes.


This is an extremely useful flask, and every raiding guild should have someone who can make this. It is useful to give this flask to the rogues, hunters, warriors, feral druids, enhancement shamans and Retribution Paladins when needing that little extra damage output. The additional attack power will let you kill bosses and mobs more quickly.


  • The effect lasts through death.
  • Cannot be dispelled.
  • This must be created at an Alchemy Lab.

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