Foror is a character referred to in World of Warcraft.
Who is Foror?[]
Foror must be an amazing fellow to have written a book all about dragon-slaying ([Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying], the book that leads to Quel'Serrar), and also to have formulated the best tasting ice-cream in the whole world, [Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream]. Blizzard continues the mystery with this drop from Alterac Valley, an [Autographed Picture of Foror & Tigule] with the note "The mystery remains unsolved". We also find his eyepatch as a drop from Zul’Gurub ([Foror's Eyepatch]) and elsewhere, his massive crates of seemingly endless storage space. ([Foror's Crate of Endless Resist Gear Storage])
In Old Hillsbrad, Nat Pagle tells his friend Hal about his dream involving Foror: "You know those two loud-mouthed ruffians, Foror and Tigule? Well, in this dream, they somehow end up inventing something called ice-cream and flavoring it with strawberries... Well, long story short, they end up striking it rich! If that weren't crazy enough, they decide to quit the ice-cream business and become adventurers... They travel all over the place and finally disappear into some portal. I woke up in a cold sweat after that one..."
His presence still remains as a mystery, but wherever Foror is, you can be sure he’s involved in some great adventure.
The real Foror... Furor[]
Foror is likely to be an in-game representation of Furor, once the leader of an Everquest and World of Warcraft guild famous amongst online gamers. Furor is also a quest designer for World of Warcraft.
It is interesting to note that if you switch the first "o" in "Foror" with the "u" in "Tigule", you get Furor and Tigole. Tigole was also an Everquest player, and is currently a lead developer for World of Warcraft.