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Welcome to the WoWWiki general forum!

This forum is about general news, thoughts and discussions about WoWWiki.

The WoWWiki village pump!

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Topic Last edit Last author
Stickied threads
New Chat feature!18:39, 21 January 2013Fandyllic
Should we enable the new style of forums?03:32, 18 January 2013Macrophager
Copying stuff from Wowpedia19:26, 5 January 2011Fandyllic
Tips for adding new subzones15:59, 5 January 2011Fandyllic
Things you can help with02:31, 19 December 2010Fandyllic
Welcome to the forums!21:25, 9 December 2010Fandyllic
Archiving Notice23:07, 8 December 2010Raylan13
How to mark redirect pages for deletion or sd?20:19, 25 November 2009Coobra-fduser
Village Pump archives15:34, 30 July 2009Kirkburn
All threads
Understanding templates on Wikia22:17, 29 October 2015Fandyllic
Anyone wants to help with a nickname guide?09:45, 10 October 2015FlameGate-fduser
Article for celebrity TV commercials?02:08, 10 October 2015Fandyllic
New to the game17:45, 14 August 2015Fandyllic
URL Structure Change20:28, 5 August 2015Fandyllic
Have autographed framed print and card of Joren the Martyr22:41, 18 May 2015Fandyllic
Recruiting for Game Based Authentication Study00:21, 18 May 2015AynsleyH
Knowledge Sharing survey22:29, 13 May 2015Fandyllic
Leveling Professions15:00, 24 March 2015Fandyllic
University World of Warcraft Survey14:33, 20 March 2015Fandyllic
Why are is there never anybody in the chat?20:17, 2 March 2015Fandyllic
Undercity and Nearby Areas14:55, 27 February 2015173.73.30.146
In Need of a Companion19:34, 16 February 2015Fandyllic
Please help me out by answering my questions!09:41, 19 January 201537.152.8.148
Looking to get in touch with Wowwiki users for my bachelor's thesis15:24, 15 January 2015158.36.147.221
Thalassian (Blood/High Elf language) audio voiceovers00:15, 1 January 201570.140.118.94
Win a pet battle??16:58, 11 December 2014Sitb
The best add on for wow15:01, 2 December 201466.177.87.39
Experts and Moderators10:47, 20 October 2014Sitb
Is WoWWiki alive?18:01, 27 September 2014Raylan13
Can someone send me a Resurrection Scroll?23:03, 20 December 2013Fandyllic
Help with a search experiment?04:04, 20 November 2013Fandyllic
Broken formatting on Server:Jaedenar Europe20:42, 23 October 2013Sasyn
WOW Fail to Launch06:46, 14 August 2013Pryidev
Dutch sister site being re-started00:22, 21 July 2013Macrophager
How would I add 'npcbox's to my wiki?11:58, 28 May 2013Nalanfu
LF survey participants for B.Sc. Thesis study14:02, 7 May 2013Grote Ree
Scrool of resurrection help22:28, 6 May 2013Holyheals7
My Dream in the next expansion06:42, 28 April 2013Jojokla21
New Analytics Tool: Introducing ParserSpeed21:08, 29 March 2013TimmyQuivy
Role-playing games and communities. Discussion and opinions!16:20, 8 March 2013Macrophager
New video podcast!05:00, 7 March 2013Macrophager
A New comer22:59, 26 February 2013Fandyllic
Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:43, 21 February 2013Macrophager
Help with download wow with mac plz!01:22, 24 January 2013Raylan13
I can't log in.13:43, 22 January 2013Macrophager
New Chat feature!18:39, 21 January 2013Fandyllic
What is WoWWiki? History book? Current Info? Both?03:32, 19 January 2013Macrophager
Removing old content?03:31, 19 January 2013Macrophager
Should we enable the new style of forums?03:32, 18 January 2013Macrophager
Explore Kalimdor! Impossible04:14, 17 December 2012Fandyllic
AH addon with 20k daily - anyone else bought?05:01, 26 November 2012Fandyllic
Item in bags counter!07:40, 24 July 2012LawaBoy
Operation: 6016:46, 21 June 2012TitanAC
Popups06:16, 13 June 2012Fandyllic
Related videos module19:04, 31 May 2012Sarah Manley
Looking for Cartoonist to work with05:20, 26 May 2012JoseChung
Help! im doing a survey for GMs05:18, 15 May 2012Geana
Como es el realmist17:11, 14 March 2012Fandyllic
N00b hunter needs help with something11:43, 1 February 2012Scorpiusmaximus
Italian Community needs help!16:10, 6 October 2011Gyram Keeshan
World of Warcraft Player Interviews @ ImmortalGaming.org14:28, 2 September 2011Fandyllic
Thorium Brotherhood quests missing17:00, 27 August 2011Fandyllic
WoW Research Project23:38, 23 August 2011Fandyllic
Please can you help a newbe16:44, 21 August 2011Airlia
Missing Hunter Trainer / Pet Trainer- Thelsamar01:56, 17 August 2011Fandyllic
Welcome from guild PrOwer!01:11, 15 August 2011Fandyllic
Tame Beast page18:14, 19 July 2011Fandyllic
Helping out with Arena stuff20:24, 13 July 2011Fandyllic
How should tactics pages be written now that we have the Dungeon Journal?05:35, 9 July 2011Fandyllic
Newbie Mage & Need Good Information21:36, 8 July 2011Miketherenas
Categories by Mob Level.20:44, 8 July 2011Fandyllic
Blizzerd calander leaked ?20:39, 8 July 2011Fandyllic
A sincere online interview invitation22:26, 6 July 2011Fandyllic
Online checklist for quests13:25, 22 June 2011Fandyllic
Image Attribution feature15:13, 2 June 2011Raylan13
Evaluating Your World of Warcraft Play16:27, 27 May 2011Fandyllic
WoWRPG and WoWTCG wikis available for adoption22:55, 25 May 2011Fandyllic
Talents and Spells00:41, 8 May 2011Fandyllic
I can has bot flag?18:51, 6 May 2011Fandyllic
New Sidebar Element Being Tested18:33, 6 May 2011TimmyQuivy
Instance page changes09:30, 27 April 2011Jplayer01
Some General Ideas to improve WoWWiki23:19, 10 April 2011FuzzicalLogic
Welcome the new admins - Bubsy87 and Servian!02:35, 5 March 2011Fandyllic
Igold4you?16:44, 1 March 2011Fandyllic
Never make a ref with only a URL!04:47, 24 February 2011Fandyllic
Why does my page have a stub tag on it?02:17, 23 February 2011Fandyllic
WoWWiki is recruiting admins!17:02, 7 February 2011Raylan13
Upcoming admin reset00:39, 5 February 2011Fandyllic
Item name is now a quest name as well23:32, 1 February 2011Fandyllic
Darkmoon faire00:30, 25 January 2011Fandyllic
MediaWiki 1.16 Coming Soon21:33, 18 January 2011Raylan13
Rename WoWWiki03:53, 16 January 2011Fandyllic
How to add our guild?03:51, 16 January 2011Fandyllic
Zone/Location Article Revamp21:21, 10 January 2011Raylan13
Copying stuff from Wowpedia19:26, 5 January 2011Fandyllic
Keep or remove new optional features?16:00, 5 January 2011Fandyllic
Tips for adding new subzones15:59, 5 January 2011Fandyllic
WoWWiki's death blow? Blizzard tacitly endorses Wowpedia17:37, 2 January 2011Fandyllic
News Blog?13:21, 31 December 2010Ausir-fduser
How Do I Create A New Page?01:14, 28 December 2010Fandyllic
Anti-Wikia Revolt19:50, 21 December 2010Ddcorkum
Thoughts on Wowpedia vs WoWWiki08:56, 17 December 2010Mikk-fduser
Wikia's Game of the Year vote21:27, 16 December 2010Ausir-fduser
Tooltips are back!06:22, 15 December 2010Fandyllic
What can be done to revive WoWWiki?06:20, 15 December 2010Fandyllic
Current advantages of WoWWiki23:11, 13 December 2010Fandyllic
The old Future of WoWWiki22:02, 10 December 2010Fandyllic
WoW Survey05:38, 9 December 2010Fandyllic
Cataclysm Perk Pack19:51, 6 December 2010GameStopTom
WoW News: New Community Site00:36, 6 December 2010Fandyllic
Need help with making a Page16:37, 27 November 2010Fandyllic
WoWWiki painfully slow13:01, 18 November 2010Deadlykris
Vandalising WoWWiki or Wowpedia19:23, 7 November 2010Ddcorkum
Need help with page09:34, 26 October 2010Eillas
Replacing rank tables14:13, 15 October 2010Hans Kamp
Article sponsorship16:47, 16 September 2010Sannse
Archaeology articles05:16, 16 September 2010Coobra-fduser
Cataclysm Icons20:43, 13 September 2010Trilless
Adding Sigrie to external links17:51, 8 September 2010Eirik Ratcatcher
Categories17:41, 8 September 2010Eirik Ratcatcher
Bosskillers23:46, 4 September 2010Coobra-fduser
Old World Zones post-Cataclysm14:44, 4 September 2010Joshmaul
Arthas and Ner'zhul04:36, 18 August 2010Straider0
Semantic MediaWiki18:13, 5 August 2010Coobra-fduser
WoWWiki Cataclysm skin14:10, 21 July 2010Sky2042
Quest giver/ender categories02:49, 8 July 2010Coobra-fduser
Gem type categories19:42, 6 July 2010Eirik Ratcatcher
Where is patch 3.9?18:04, 2 July 2010Dark T Zeratul
Dire Maul and Scarlet Monastery wing split?08:14, 2 July 2010WoWWiki-Skyfire
How to make a player characfter page on the User page21:26, 26 June 2010Coobra-fduser
Please add a Talent Calculator23:49, 17 June 2010Eirik Ratcatcher
Race capitalization16:26, 1 June 2010Pcjbot
Why Is "The" Being Left Out?12:09, 1 June 2010Pcjbot
Adding user opinions on fight experiences legal?20:22, 8 April 2010Coobra-fduser
The Alt + Z is your Friend10:57, 20 November 2009TeeSon5
Phasing, subregions and quests00:43, 28 October 2009Coobra-fduser
Criticism23:09, 10 September 2009Sandwichman2448-fduser