- Freezing Band
- Item Level 52
- Binds when equipped
- Finger
- +10 Frost Resistance
- Requires level 47
- Equip: Increases spell power by 18.
Equip: When struck in combat has a 1% chance of inflicting 50 Frost damage to the attacker and freezing them for 5 sec - Sell Price: 45
Freezing Band is an epic ring for casters.

In the WoW TCG.
This item is a world drop.
There are only three of these rings known to exist. Each consists of a truesilver core surrounded by a torus of azure ice coated in a slick sheen, as though in the process of melting. The ring is cold to the touch. Though the ice remains slippery, it never melts and the ring is never in danger of slipping off the finger unexpectedly.[1]
- ^ More Magic and Mayhem, 123