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Were you looking for the rivals of wolvar-based Frenzyheart Tribe, the gorloc-based Oracles?

The Frenzyheart tribe faction is a primitive tribe of wolvars located in Sholazar Basin.

Driven from their lands by the Scourge, this fierce tribe of wolvar stumbled upon Sholazar Basin, where they intend to make their new home. Their aggressive nature has put them at odds with the various gorloc tribes known collectively as the Oracles.

In order to begin gaining reputation from this faction, you must complete a long quest chain which starts with N [77] Playing Along and ends with N [77G3] A Hero's Burden. Which NPC you choose to kill will affect the faction you become aligned with — killing the gorloc aligns you with the Frenzyheart tribe, and killing the wolvar aligns you with the the Oracles. The choice can be reverted by doing the encounter again (the switching quest is considered a daily).


During the lead-in chain, your faction reputation will increase first with the Frenzyheart tribe and then with the Oracles. This has no bearing upon your ultimate choice of faction, so do not become confused. At the end of the chain you will become honored with the faction you choose, and hated with the other. For instance, completing the Frenzyheart quest N [77] Just Following Orders you will go to friendly with the Oracles and hated with the Frenzyheart tribe.

The only way to gain further reputation is through the daily quests offered by Elder Harkek, Rejek, and Vekgar at Frenzyheart Hill. Three daily quests, awarding a total of 1700 reputation, are offered each day. The daily quests on offer may vary from day to day (refer to the table below).

Hated Neutral Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Rep Notes
To Honored Defeat Artruis the Heartless with killing the Jaloot of The Oracles
700 Sparktouched Gorloc x50
700 Sparktouched Gorloc x50
700 Secret Strength of the Frenzyheart and Sparktouched Gorloc x30
500 Stormwatcher's Head
500 Captured Chicken x12
500 Blade blooded on Sapphire Hive Wasp, Blade blooded on Hardknuckle Charger, and Blade Blooded on Mistwhisper members x3
500 True Power of the Tempest
500 Suntouched Heartblood
Starting Chain Quests
Starting Chain Quests
~12k ~25 Quests (Shared with The Oracles; will not ultimately count towards your reputation); starts with N [77] Playing Along

Relation to the Oracles[]

Much like the Scryers vs the Aldor or Bloodsail Buccaneers and Steamwheedle Cartel, the Oracles and the Frenzyheart tribe are opposite factions, where when you gain reputation with one you lose reputation with the other.

As Hated[]

You will be unable to complete daily quests for the Frenzyheart tribe and will be attacked on sight because you are neutral or better with the Oracles, who are the Frenzyheart's sworn enemies.

Switching factions[]

To switch factions from the Oracles to the Frenzyheart tribe, you must complete the 20-step quest chain up to N [77] Frenzyheart Champion (culminating in the defeat of Artruis the Heartless, a level-77 elite that is soloable by some classes). During the fight with Artruis, you are attacked by both an Oracle (Jaloot) and a Frenzyheart (Zepik). You must leave the Zepik the Frenzyheart alive and kill Jaloot the Oracle, then finish defeating Artrius in order for the Frenzyheart N [77] Frenzyheart Champion quest giver to appear. Completing this quest automatically boosts your Frenzyheart rep to honored, but REDUCES your Oracles rep to hated. Taking down one of Artrius' captured Frenzyheart or Oracle minions can then, according to notes at Thottbot, be repeated to switch back and forth between the two factions, though any rep beyond Honored, including any points gained while Honored, will be lost, as will the bonuses for any items that require Revered or greater with your old faction.

Note that players outside of the party, or uncooperative party members, may kill the NPC you intend to save, so be aware of which quest you are accepting. However, there is no real danger of accidentally switching faction as the change does not occur until completing the daily quest offered by the NPC who survived. If the desired quest giver is killed, simply wait for Artruis to respawn and repeat the encounter.

Further Note - In order to switch factions you MUST complete ALL of the lead up quests. You cannot simply look at your reputation halfway through and worry about it! You will perform quests for both the Frenzyheart and the Oracles until you receive the quest A Hero's Burden. While completing A Hero's Burden you make your decision which faction you wish to gain reputation with, as explained above!

From Honored to Exalted[]

Complete the three daily quests offered on Frenzyheart Hill; they are chosen semi-randomly from the ones listed above. Vekgar offers one of three possible dailies that require you to kill 30-50 Sparktouched Gorloc, awarding 700 reputation. Rejek will offer one of four varied dailies for 500 reputation. Another 500 reputation is rewarded for N [77] Chicken Party!, which is available every day from Harkek. Therefore, the total reputation gain per day is 1700.

Note: If you took the dailies from Vekgar and Rejek, and could not finish them on the same day, DO NOT delete them from the questlog. With a little luck, they offer different quests the other day, and so you can finish BOTH the old and the new ones. Naturally, this does not work for the chicken hunting, since this quest is the same every day.

Honored to Revered: 8 days

Revered to Exalted: 12 – 13 days


The Disgusting Jar can yield Frenzyheart Brew that transforms your character into a Wolvar for 5 minutes. If you're not a costume collector this reputation is also part of two Achievements: one called Frenzyheart Tribe for getting exalted with the Frenzyheart, and Mercenary of Sholazar for getting exalted with both the Frenzyheart Tribe and The Oracles (not at the same time, of course).

The Disgusting Jar can also yield a Resurgent Healing Potion, Icy Mana Potion, Powerful Rejuvenation Potion, or Mysterious Fermented Liquid.


Wolvar patrolling.

<Frenzyheart Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly [Roasted Mystery Beast] 1g 60s Food & Drink
[Design: Reckless Huge Citrine] 2g Jewelcrafting (350)
[Nepeta Leaf] 32s Consumable
Revered [Azure Strappy Pants] 32g 13s 80c Leather Legs
[Discarded Titanium Legplates] 50g 48s 86c Plate Legs
[Giant-Sized Gauntlets] 25g 12s 13c Plate Hands
[Muddied Crimson Gloves] 13g 70s 48c Cloth Hands
[Scavenged Feathery Leggings] 43g 12s 27c Mail Legs
[Sparkly Shiny Gloves] 25g 20s 87c Plate Hands
[Stolen Vrykul Harpoon] 13g 85s 16c Thrown
[Disgusting Jar] 3g Junk
[Design: Jagged Forest Emerald] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)
Exalted [Frenzyheart Insignia of Fury] 42g 93s 75c Trinket


World Of Warcraft Unlocking The Frenzyheart Or Oracles Part1 World Of Warcraft Unlocking The Frenzyheart Or Oracles Part2
World_Of_Warcraft_Unlocking_The_Frenzyheart_Or_Oracles_Part1 World_Of_Warcraft_Unlocking_The_Frenzyheart_Or_Oracles_Part2
World Of Warcraft Unlocking The Frenzyheart Or Oracles Part3 World Of Warcraft Unlocking The Frenzyheart Or Oracles Part4
World_Of_Warcraft_Unlocking_The_Frenzyheart_Or_Oracles_Part3 World_Of_Warcraft_Unlocking_The_Frenzyheart_Or_Oracles_Part4
World Of Warcraft Unlocking The Frenzyheart Or Oracles Part5 World of Warcraft - Switching Between Oracles & Frenzyhearts
World_Of_Warcraft_Unlocking_The_Frenzyheart_Or_Oracles_Part5 World_of_Warcraft_-_Switching_Between_Oracles_&_Frenzyhearts


If you lose track of this quest chain then simply kill the lion Pitch (objective of Quest:The Part-time Hunter), located at

[50.5, 77.3]

, again and Tracker Gekgek will re-appear to offer you the lead in quest.

External links[]
