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G'eras is a level 72 Heroic boss rewards vendor located in the central dome of the Terrace of Light in the neutral Shattrath City. Previously G'eras was located in front of the western alcove in the central dome, but was moved to the walkway above it in Patch 2.4.0 (as the alcove is now used for the portal to the Isle of Quel'Danas).

Badge of Justice merchandise[]

Patch 2.3 Items
Plate Armor Cost
[Vambraces of the Naaru] 35 Badge of Justice
[Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx] 35 Badge of Justice
[Eternium Rage-shackles] 35 Badge of Justice
[Girdle of the Protector] 60 Badge of Justice
[Iron-tusk Girdle] 60 Badge of Justice
[Chain of Unleashed Rage] 60 Badge of Justice
[Bonefist Gauntlets] 60 Badge of Justice
[Handguards of the Templar] 60 Badge of Justice
[Furious Deathgrips] 60 Badge of Justice
[Pauldrons of Gruesome Fate] 60 Badge of Justice
[Implacable Guardian Sabatons] 60 Badge of Justice
[Sabatons of the Righteous Defender] 60 Badge of Justice
[High Justicar's Legplates] 75 Badge of Justice
[Bloodthirster's Wargreaves] 75 Badge of Justice
[Unwavering Legguards] 75 Badge of Justice
[Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian] 75 Badge of Justice
[Amani Mask of Death] 75 Badge of Justice
Mail Armor Cost
[Steadying Bracers] 35 Badge of Justice
[Earthquake Bracers] 35 Badge of Justice
[Gleaming Earthen Bracers] 35 Badge of Justice
[Treads of the Life Path] 60 Badge of Justice
[Treads of Booming Thunder] 60 Badge of Justice
[Stormwrap] 60 Badge of Justice
[War-Feathered Loop] 60 Badge of Justice
[Man'kin'do's Belt] 60 Badge of Justice
[Polished Waterscale Gloves] 60 Badge of Justice
[Grips of Nature's Wrath] 60 Badge of Justice
[Gauntlets of Sniping] 60 Badge of Justice
[Pauldrons of the Furious Elements] 60 Badge of Justice
[Hauberk of the Furious Elements] 75 Badge of Justice
[Natural Life Leggings] 75 Badge of Justice
[Shifting Camouflage Pants] 75 Badge of Justice
Leather Armor Cost
[Master Assassin Wristwraps] 35 Badge of Justice
[Armwraps of the Kaldorei Protector] 35 Badge of Justice
[Gargon's Bracers Peaceful Slumber] 35 Badge of Justice
[Band of the Swift Paw] 35 Badge of Justice
[Nyn'jah's Tabi Boots] 60 Badge of Justice
[Footwraps of Wild Encroachment] 60 Badge of Justice
[Moon-walkers] 60 Badge of Justice
[Starfire Waistband] 60 Badge of Justice
[Waistguard of the Great Beast] 60 Badge of Justice
[Life-step Belt]* 60 Badge of Justice
[Grasp of the Moonkin] 60 Badge of Justice
[Trickster's Stickyfingers] 60 Badge of Justice
[Pauldrons of Tribal Fury] 60 Badge of Justice
[Gnarled Ironwood Pauldrons] 60 Badge of Justice
[Shallow-grave Trousers] 75 Badge of Justice
[Blessed Elunite Coverings] 75 Badge of Justice
[Pants of Splendid Recovery] 75 Badge of Justice
[Vestments of Hibernation] 75 Badge of Justice
[Mask of Primal Power] 75 Badge of Justice
Cloth Armor Cost
[Runed Spell-cuffs] 35 Badge of Justice
[Wristguards of Tranquil Thought] 35 Badge of Justice
[Studious Wraps] 60 Badge of Justice
[Light-Blessed Bonds] 60 Badge of Justice
[Voodoo-woven Belt] 60 Badge of Justice
[Achromic Trousers of the Naaru] 75 Badge of Justice
[Pantaloons of Arcane Annihilation] 75 Badge of Justice
Totems, Librams, & Idols Cost
[Libram of Mending] 20 Badge of Justice
[Libram of Divine Judgement] 20 Badge of Justice
[Libram of Divine Purpose] 20 Badge of Justice
[Totem of Living Water] 20 Badge of Justice
[Skycall Totem] 20 Badge of Justice
[Stonebreaker's Totem] 20 Badge of Justice
[Idol of Budding Life] 20 Badge of Justice
[Idol of Terror] 20 Badge of Justice
[Idol of the Unseen Moon] 20 Badge of Justice
Cloaks Cost
[Slikk's Cloak of Placation] 35 Badge of Justice
[Kharmaa's Shroud of Hope] 60 Badge of Justice
[Cloak of Subjugated Power] 60 Badge of Justice
[Dory's Embrace] 60 Badge of Justice
Off-Hand Cost
[Fetish of the Primal Gods] 35 Badge of Justice
[Voodoo Shaker] 35 Badge of Justice
Weapons Cost
[Carved Witch Doctor's Stick] 25 Badge of Justice
Necklaces, Trinkets, & Rings Cost
[Brooch of Deftness] 35 Badge of Justice
[Battlemaster's Audacity] 75 Badge of Justice
[Battlemaster's Cruelty] 75 Badge of Justice
[Battlemaster's Depravity] 75 Badge of Justice
[Battlemaster's Determination] 75 Badge of Justice
[Battlemaster's Perseverance] 75 Badge of Justice
  • Offered immediately after the patch, the [Life-step Belt] has since been removed from the Badge offerings. It is now one of several drops in the Nalorakk timed encounter.

Pre-2.3 items[]

Plate Armor Cost
[Faceguard of Determination] 50 Badge of Justice
[Helmet of the Steadfast Champion] 50 Badge of Justice
Mail Armor Cost
[Warpstalker Helm] 50 Badge of Justice
[Storm Master's Helmet] 50 Badge of Justice
Leather Armor Cost
[Cowl of Beastly Rage] 50 Badge of Justice
[Mask of the Deceiver] 50 Badge of Justice
Cloth Armor Cost
[Cowl of Naaru Blessings] 50 Badge of Justice
[Mana-Binders Cowl] 50 Badge of Justice
Totems, Librams, & Idols Cost
[Libram of Repentance] 15 Badge of Justice
[Totem of the Pulsing Earth] 15 Badge of Justice
[Everbloom Idol] 15 Badge of Justice
Weapons Cost
[Searing Sunblade] 50 Badge of Justice
Off-Hand Cost
[Flametongue Seal] 25 Badge of Justice
[Khadgar's Knapsack] 25 Badge of Justice
[Orb of the Soul-Eater] 25 Badge of Justice
[Sapphiron's Wing Bone] 25 Badge of Justice
[Talisman of Kalecgos] 25 Badge of Justice
[Tears of Heaven] 25 Badge of Justice
Shields Cost
[Azure-Shield of Coldarra] 33 Badge of Justice
[Light-Bearer's Faith Shield] 33 Badge of Justice
[Mazthoril Honor Shield] 33 Badge of Justice
Consumables Cost
[Primal Nether] 10 Badge of Justice
[Nether Vortex] 15 Badge of Justice

Fire resistance[]

Slot Cost Cloth Leather Mail Plate
Chest 30 Badge of Justice [Infernoweave Robe] [Inferno Hardened Chestguard] [Inferno Forged Hauberk] [Inferno Tempered Chestguard]
Hands 20 Badge of Justice [Infernoweave Gloves] [Inferno Hardened Gloves] [Inferno Forged Gloves] [Inferno Tempered Gauntlets]
Legs 30 Badge of Justice [Infernoweave Leggings] [Inferno Hardened Leggings] [Inferno Forged Leggings] [Inferno Tempered Leggings]
Feet 20 Badge of Justice [Infernoweave Boots] [Inferno Hardened Boots] [Inferno Forged Boots] [Inferno Tempered Boots]


Slot Cost Caster Heal Melee Tank
Back 25 Badge of Justice [Shawl of Shifting Probabilities] [Bishop's Cloak] [Blood Knight War Cloak] [Farstrider Defender's Cloak]
Ring 25 Badge of Justice [Ring of Cryptic Dreams] [Band of Halos] [Ring of Arathi Warlords] [Ring of Unyielding Force]
Amulet 25 Badge of Justice [Manasurge Pendant] [Necklace of Eternal Hope] [Choker of Vile Intent] [Necklace of the Juggernaut]
Trinket 41 Badge of Justice [Icon of the Silver Crescent] [Essence of the Martyr] [Bloodlust Brooch] [Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600]

See also[]

External links[]
