G'eras is a level 72 Heroic boss rewards vendor located in the central dome of the Terrace of Light in the neutral Shattrath City. Previously G'eras was located in front of the western alcove in the central dome, but was moved to the walkway above it in Patch 2.4.0 (as the alcove is now used for the portal to the Isle of Quel'Danas).
Badge of Justice merchandise[]
- Offered immediately after the patch, the [Life-step Belt] has since been removed from the Badge offerings. It is now one of several drops in the Nalorakk timed encounter.
- The Battlemaster trinkets can also be purchased through the PvP reward system. Each costs 30000 honor points and 40 [Alterac Valley Marks of Honor].
Pre-2.3 items[]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fire resistance[]
Slot | Cost | Cloth | Leather | Plate | |
Chest | 30 | [Infernoweave Robe] | [Inferno Hardened Chestguard] | [Inferno Forged Hauberk] | [Inferno Tempered Chestguard] |
Hands | 20 | [Infernoweave Gloves] | [Inferno Hardened Gloves] | [Inferno Forged Gloves] | [Inferno Tempered Gauntlets] |
Legs | 30 | [Infernoweave Leggings] | [Inferno Hardened Leggings] | [Inferno Forged Leggings] | [Inferno Tempered Leggings] |
Feet | 20 | [Infernoweave Boots] | [Inferno Hardened Boots] | [Inferno Forged Boots] | [Inferno Tempered Boots] |
Slot | Cost | Caster | Heal | Melee | Tank |
Back | 25 | [Shawl of Shifting Probabilities] | [Bishop's Cloak] | [Blood Knight War Cloak] | [Farstrider Defender's Cloak] |
Ring | 25 | [Ring of Cryptic Dreams] | [Band of Halos] | [Ring of Arathi Warlords] | [Ring of Unyielding Force] |
Amulet | 25 | [Manasurge Pendant] | [Necklace of Eternal Hope] | [Choker of Vile Intent] | [Necklace of the Juggernaut] |
Trinket | 41 | [Icon of the Silver Crescent] | [Essence of the Martyr] | [Bloodlust Brooch] | [Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600] |