[[Category:Level 80 Elite NPCs]]
Geirrvif is a level 80 Elite val'kyr quest giver located in Valhalas in the contested territory of Icecrown. Geirrvif is the watcher and judge of the Valhalas Tournament battles and oversees whether the challengers win or lose. Despite her status as a Val'kyr she is very friendly to players.
She ends the following quests:
- [80] Battle at Valhalas
She starts the following quests:
- [80G5] Battle at Valhalas: Fallen Heroes
- [80G5] Battle at Valhalas: Khit'rix the Dark Master
- [80G5] Battle at Valhalas: The Return of Sigrid Iceborn
- [80G5] Battle at Valhalas: Carnage!
- [80G5] Battle at Valhalas: Thane Deathblow
- [80G5] Battle at Valhalas: Final Challenge
If you die she will yell "You were not prepared!"