![Arathi Basin GoldMine](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/c/cf/Arathi_Basin_GoldMine.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20091107122347)
The GoldMine in Arathi Basin
The GoldMine (A.K.A. GM), is a subzone in Arathi Basin that serves as a resource node. It can be captured by a member of the Alliance or Horde and once controlled it gives resources to help win the battleground.
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The GoldMine in Arathi Basin
The GoldMine (A.K.A. GM), is a subzone in Arathi Basin that serves as a resource node. It can be captured by a member of the Alliance or Horde and once controlled it gives resources to help win the battleground.