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Greater Fleshbeast can be found in Karazhan.


  • Gaping Maw - Inflicts 1150 Physical damage to several nearby enemies within 10 yards every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
  • Infectious Poison - Inflicts 850 to 1150 Nature damage to nearby enemies within 10 yards.


BattleMasterGossipIcon Level Type Slot Drop %
Razor Sharp Fang [Razor Sharp Fang] 1 Junk 72.84%
Gnarled Claw [Gnarled Claw] 1 Junk 16.38%
Book: Gift of the Wild III [Book: Gift of the Wild III] 70(70) Book 1%
Ring of Unrelenting Storms [Ring of Unrelenting Storms] 115(70) Finger 0.28%
Drape of the Righteous [Drape of the Righteous] 115(70) Cloth Back 0.27%
Boots of Elusion [Boots of Elusion] 115(70) Plate Feet 0.25%
Grips of Deftness [Grips of Deftness] 115(70) Leather Hands 0.24%
Inferno Waist Cord [Inferno Waist Cord] 115(70) Cloth Waist 0.18%
Grasp of the Dead [Grasp of the Dead] 115(70) Cloth Hands 0.18%
Ritssyn's Lost Pendant [Ritssyn's Lost Pendant] 115(70) Neck 0.15%
Zierhut's Lost Treads [Zierhut's Lost Treads] 115(70) Leather Feet 0.15%
Belt of the Tracker [Belt of the Tracker] 115(70) Mail Waist 0.13%
Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III [Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III] 70(70) Book 0.04%
Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2 [Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2] 70(70) Book 0.04%
Tome of Conjure Water IX [Tome of Conjure Water IX] 70(70) Book 0.01%
Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II [Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II] 70(70) Book 0.01%

0.15% Chance of an epic drop.
0.26% Chance of a rare drop.
1.65% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.66% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created. This will not be updated.

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