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For general information on Spellstones, see Spellstones.
Inv misc gem sapphire 01
  • Greater Spellstone
  • Item Level 48
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Use: While applied to target weapon it increases damage dealt by periodic spells by 1% and spell haste rating by 20. Lasts for 1 hour.
  • 5 Charges

Greater Spellstone is created by the rank 2 Create Spellstone spell.

See also[]

Types of Spellstones
Type Item level Spell haste
Inv misc gem sapphire 01 [Spellstone] 36 +10
Inv misc gem sapphire 01 [Greater Spellstone] 48 +20
Inv misc gem sapphire 01 [Major Spellstone] 60 +30
Inv misc gem sapphire 01 [Master Spellstone] 66 +40
Inv misc gem sapphire 01 [Demonic Spellstone] 72 +50
Inv misc gem sapphire 01 [Grand Spellstone] 78 +60

External links[]
