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Greyheart Nether-Mage is a mob in the Serpentshrine Cavern raid instance.

Nether-Mages can occur in any of three flavors- fire, frost, or arcane. The flavor of mage may be determined by looking at their self-buff; each uses a damage buff of its particular school, as well as two different AOEs of that school. For example a fire mage has a self-cast buff that grants +350 fire spell power. These buffs may be stolen to boost your mages' damage and reduce the damage dealt by the mob. Furthermore, all Nether-Mages can use Blink to move to a random player, although it does not appear to be an aggro drop. They are vulnerable to sheeping and fear. They are immune to Hammer of Justice and Curse of Tongues.

With the exception of the channeled Rain of Fire none of their abilities appear to have cast times. However, they cannot cast while feared, and can be chained feared rather than tanked to prevent casting.

They are also immune to Sap and Mind Control.


  • Fire Mage
    • Rain of Fire - 2300 fire damage every 3 seconds to all in radius.
    • Fireball Volley
  • Frost Mage
    • Cone of Cold
    • Frostbolt Volley
  • Arcane Mage
    • Arcane Lightning (point blank chain lightning-like effect)
    • Arcane Bolt Volley - 3.5-4k arcane damage to all in range.

The arcane flavor tends to be the most dangerous. It is often wise to keep these mages CC'd until everything else is cleared.


BattleMasterGossipIcon Level Type Slot Drop %
Netherweave Cloth [Netherweave Cloth] 60 Trade Good 19.34%
Coilfang Armaments [Coilfang Armaments] 1 Quest 13.70%
Mark of the Illidari [Mark of the Illidari] 70 Junk 8.92%
Smoked Talbuk Venison [Smoked Talbuk Venison] 65(55) Consumable 5.18%
Nether Vortex [Nether Vortex] 75 Reagent 3.82%
Boots of Courage Unending [Boots of Courage Unending] 128(70) Plate Feet 1.10%
Serpentshrine Shuriken [Serpentshrine Shuriken] 134(70) Thrown Thrown 1%
Tome of Conjure Water IX [Tome of Conjure Water IX] 70(70) Book 1%
Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II [Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II] 70(70) Book 1%
Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2 [Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2] 70(70) Book 1%
Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet [Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet] 128(70) Trinket 0.93%
Wildfury Greatstaff [Wildfury Greatstaff] 128(70) Staff Two-Hand 0.78%
Pendant of the Perilous [Pendant of the Perilous] 128(70) Neck 0.77%
Totem of the Maelstrom [Totem of the Maelstrom] 128(70) Totem Relic 0.66%
Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle [Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.29%
Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow [Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.23%
Pattern: Boots of the Crimson Hawk [Pattern: Boots of the Crimson Hawk] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.20%
Plans: Boots of the Protector [Plans: Boots of the Protector] 75 Blacksmithing 0.18%
Pattern: Boots of Natural Grace [Pattern: Boots of Natural Grace] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.16%
Plans: Red Havoc Boots [Plans: Red Havoc Boots] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Blacksmithing 0.16%
Pattern: Hurricane Boots [Pattern: Hurricane Boots] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.14%
Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness [Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.14%
Plans: Red Belt of Battle [Plans: Red Belt of Battle] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Blacksmithing 0.12%
Pattern: Monsoon Belt [Pattern: Monsoon Belt] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.09%
Plans: Belt of the Guardian [Plans: Belt of the Guardian] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Blacksmithing 0.09%
Pattern: Boots of Blasting [Pattern: Boots of Blasting] 75 Tailoring 0.07%
Pattern: Boots of the Long Road [Pattern: Boots of the Long Road] - Tailoring (375) 75 Tailoring 0.07%
Pattern: Belt of Blasting [Pattern: Belt of Blasting] - Tailoring (375) 75 Tailoring 0.05%
Pattern: Belt of Natural Power [Pattern: Belt of Natural Power] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.05%
Pattern: Belt of the Long Road [Pattern: Belt of the Long Road] - Tailoring (375) 75 Tailoring 0.03%
Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III [Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III] 70(70) Book 0.03%
Book: Gift of the Wild III [Book: Gift of the Wild III] 70(70) Book 0.03%

0.44% Chance of an epic drop.
0.20% Chance of a rare drop.
2.15% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.20% Chance of a common drop.
0.75% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created. This will not be updated.

External links[]
