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Greyheart Tidecaller can be found in Serpentshrine Cavern.


  • Poison Shield: Protects the caster with a poisonous shield. When a spell, melee or ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be poisoned. This expends one poison ball. Only one ball will fire every few seconds. Lasts 2 min.
    Virulent Poison: Infects the target, dealing 4000 Nature damage every 3 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
  • They have a chain lightning which silences everyone it hits but doesn't hit particularly hard.
  • They drop water elemental totems, which have around 5k health and spawn elite water elementals. The elementals can be CC'd normally and despawn with the totem is killed.


BattleMasterGossipIcon Level Type Slot Drop %
Netherweave Cloth [Netherweave Cloth] 60 Trade Good 20.42%
Coilfang Armaments [Coilfang Armaments] 1 Quest 14.25%
Mark of the Illidari [Mark of the Illidari] 70 Junk 8.24%
Smoked Talbuk Venison [Smoked Talbuk Venison] 65(55) Consumable 5.07%
Nether Vortex [Nether Vortex] 75 Reagent 3.93%
Totem of the Maelstrom [Totem of the Maelstrom] 128(70) Totem Relic 1.59%
Serpentshrine Shuriken [Serpentshrine Shuriken] 134(70) Thrown Thrown 1.14%
Pendant of the Perilous [Pendant of the Perilous] 128(70) Neck 1.08%
Wildfury Greatstaff [Wildfury Greatstaff] 128(70) Staff Two-Hand 1.06%
Tome of Conjure Water IX [Tome of Conjure Water IX] 70(70) Book 1%
Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III [Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III] 70(70) Book 1%
Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow [Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 1%
Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet [Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet] 128(70) Trinket 0.96%
Boots of Courage Unending [Boots of Courage Unending] 128(70) Plate Feet 0.60%
Pattern: Boots of the Long Road [Pattern: Boots of the Long Road] - Tailoring (375) 75 Tailoring 0.28%
Pattern: Boots of Natural Grace [Pattern: Boots of Natural Grace] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.24%
Pattern: Hurricane Boots [Pattern: Hurricane Boots] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.19%
Pattern: Monsoon Belt [Pattern: Monsoon Belt] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.17%
Pattern: Belt of Natural Power [Pattern: Belt of Natural Power] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.17%
Plans: Belt of the Guardian [Plans: Belt of the Guardian] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Blacksmithing 0.17%
Plans: Red Havoc Boots [Plans: Red Havoc Boots] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Blacksmithing 0.17%
Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle [Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.15%
Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness [Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.15%
Pattern: Belt of the Long Road [Pattern: Belt of the Long Road] - Tailoring (375) 75 Tailoring 0.15%
Pattern: Belt of Blasting [Pattern: Belt of Blasting] - Tailoring (375) 75 Tailoring 0.15%
Pattern: Boots of Blasting [Pattern: Boots of Blasting] 75 Tailoring 0.11%
Pattern: Boots of the Crimson Hawk [Pattern: Boots of the Crimson Hawk] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leatherworking 0.09%
Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2 [Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2] 70(70) Book 0.05%
Plans: Red Belt of Battle [Plans: Red Belt of Battle] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Blacksmithing 0.05%
Book: Gift of the Wild III [Book: Gift of the Wild III] 70(70) Book 0.03%
Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II [Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II] 70(70) Book 0.03%
Plans: Boots of the Protector [Plans: Boots of the Protector] 75 Blacksmithing 0.03%

0.46% Chance of an epic drop.
0.32% Chance of a rare drop.
2.07% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.21% Chance of a common drop.
0.80% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created. This will not be updated.


  • These are vulnerable to polymorph and fear.
  • Immune to hunters freezing traps, but are affected by frost trap. Entrapment can also proc on them.

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