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Grunt Gargal is a level 52 orc located at Kargath in Badlands.


(These quotes are no longer said since Patch 4.0.3a.)

Razal'blade says: Amakkar, where do you think Warlord Goretooth is going to send us? I don't think I can handle another tour in the Steppes.
Initiate Amakkar says: Hrmmm...
Initiate Amakkar says: Quit being such a baby, Razal'blade. It's time to start acting like you're part of one of the Warchief's elite forces. You don't want to end up like Gargal, do you?
Grunt Gargal seems oblivious to the nearby commentary.
Grunt Gargal says: Proudtusk!
Thal'trak Proudtusk says: No, Gargal. Just no.
Grunt Gargal says: But...
Thal'trak Proudtusk says: NO! Shhh! Just shut up. Goretooth is coming!
Thunderheart laughs.
Warlord Goretooth says: FALL IN, MAGGOTS!
Thal'trak Proudtusk says: All present and accounted for, SIR!
Warlord Goretooth says: Very well, Proudtusk, you may begin your march. Carry on!
Thal'trak Proudtusk says: SIR, YES SIR!
Thal'trak Proudtusk says: You heard the Warlord, maggots! MARCH!
When returning to Kargath
Grunt Gargal says: Well done, soldiers! At ease!

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