Grunt Gargal is a level 52 orc located at Kargath in Badlands.
(These quotes are no longer said since Patch 4.0.3a.)
- Razal'blade says: Amakkar, where do you think Warlord Goretooth is going to send us? I don't think I can handle another tour in the Steppes.
- Initiate Amakkar says: Hrmmm...
- Initiate Amakkar says: Quit being such a baby, Razal'blade. It's time to start acting like you're part of one of the Warchief's elite forces. You don't want to end up like Gargal, do you?
- Grunt Gargal seems oblivious to the nearby commentary.
- Grunt Gargal says: Proudtusk!
- Thal'trak Proudtusk says: No, Gargal. Just no.
- Grunt Gargal says: But...
- Thal'trak Proudtusk says: NO! Shhh! Just shut up. Goretooth is coming!
- Thunderheart laughs.
- Warlord Goretooth says: FALL IN, MAGGOTS!
- Thal'trak Proudtusk says: All present and accounted for, SIR!
- Warlord Goretooth says: Very well, Proudtusk, you may begin your march. Carry on!
- Thal'trak Proudtusk says: SIR, YES SIR!
- Thal'trak Proudtusk says: You heard the Warlord, maggots! MARCH!
- When returning to Kargath
- Grunt Gargal says: Well done, soldiers! At ease!