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This article is a guild information page for Age of Stone of Aerie Peak Europe.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the guild page policy.

Age of Stone is a casual PvE/PvP guild, whom focus primarily on the social aspect of the game. We aim to progress in the game with each other, and in the most fun way we can think of. 

What we aim to achieve:

  1. To have fun
  2. To gain good friendships
  3. To create a social community that one can be happy to be a part of
  4. To enjoy the game

So far, our progression is non-existant. The guild is still small, and it's still growing day by day! However, we do aim to create PvE and PvP teams, that focus heavily on progressing in the game.

How to join:[]

It's pretty simple! Simply whisper any online person from the guild, or whisper Ayhnia whenever online.

Guild rules:[]

We don't really focus too much on rules, but we do have a few that we uphold:

  1. Our primary language is English, hence so that is the language we will use in all communication. Try to keep all non-English chatter out of public guild places.
  2. Treat others as you wish to be treated. We're a social guild, and communicating is our thing. However, if we first begin a negative wave, then it may roll for a while.
  3. Do respect your next. Ranks are not bound to levels nor respect, and no matter if you're new or old within our walls, everyone should be treated equally.
  4. Don't beg for stuff. If you need something, eg from the guild bank or other. Then feel free to send the management an invite, and state a reason for why you need said thing.
  5. Swearing is not something we look down upon, but please do try to keep it out of every sentence you make.
  6. Trolling and lollygagging can be all fun and games, but do know that taking this to the extreme can result in punishments.

Guild Ranks:[]

Head of Guild (HoG):[]

Guild Master, the upper most person in charge of everything that happens within the walls of AoS.


Management, in charge of helping the HoG with managinging the guild, and everything within it.


Valued member, a person whos voice really matters in the guild. Can be in charge of different things, but not required.

(Also used for HoG and Councilor alts)

Commander: []

Raid Leader, in charge of setting up raid events, administrating PvE team(s), and co-ordinating other PvE events and progression with the management.


Raider, reconized as a PvE player by the guild, and is counted upon to aid in guild progression and other PvE events. Rank only given to reliable PvE players, who have been accepted into one of the PvE Teams.


PvP Leader, in charge of organizing PvP events and to administrate the PvP team(s), with the co-ordination of the management.


PvP'er, reconized as a PvP player by the guild, and is counted upon to aid in the PvP progression and to attend other PvP events organized by the guild. Rank granted to all players who specify in PvP (Talk to Marshal or management, if you wish said rank)


Standard rank, given to players who have been reconized as social and active players, who wish to participate in the expanding of AoS.

Off-Duty (MIA):[]

Missing in Action. Eg; Vacation, IRL issues, etc


New-comer, standard rank for people who have not yet been reconized as a social and active player. (Contact any management to discuss your future in AoS)
