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For lore, see gyrocopter.
For stats in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, see Flying Machine (Warcraft III).

Mechanical flying machine flown by a Dwarven pilot.


Gyrocopters have two main purposes: to scout, and to attack air units. If someone is making a lot of air units, use Gyrocopters to attack them. Upgrade the Gyrocopter to enhance it with more damage.

Gyrocopters also act as detectors for invisible units.

Spells and Abilities[]

True Sight (Passive)[]

Reveals nearby invisible units.

Gyrocopter Bombs (Passive)[]

Allows Gyrocopters to attack land units.

Black Gunpowder[]

Black Gunpowder
Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Steam Tanks, and Gyrocopters.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
100 WC3gold 50 WC3lumber Blacksmith None 60 sec.
Refined Gunpowder
Further increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Steam Tanks, and Gyrocopters.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
250 WC3gold 100 WC3lumber Blacksmith Keep 75 sec.
Imbued Gunpowder
Further increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Steam Tanks, and Gyrocopters.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
400 WC3gold 150 WC3lumber Blacksmith Castle 90 sec.
Iron Plating
Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Knights, Gyrocopters, and Steam Tanks.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
125 WC3gold 75 WC3lumber Blacksmith None 60 sec.
Steel Plating
Further increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Knights, Gyrocopters, and Steam Tanks.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
200 WC3gold 125 WC3lumber Blacksmith Keep 75 sec.
Mithril Plating
Further increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spell Breakers, Knights, Gyrocopters, and Steam Tanks.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
275 WC3gold 175 WC3lumber Blacksmith Castle 90 sec.

Manual description[]

The ingenious dwarven engineers, taking a nod from their inventive gnomish cousins, constructed the ultimate airborne scout vehicle. The gyrocopters are small but versatile flying machines that can cover great distances at speed and evade enemy ground forces. Though the contraptions are somewhat rickety, they are armed with mounted cannons and bombs, and piloted by the daring โ€“ if not insane โ€“ dwarven pilot corps.

Patch Changes[]

Patch 1.10 (7/1/2003)
  • Damage vs. air increased to 27-32 from 25-30.

World Editor description[]

Fast moving flying machine. Excellent at scouting, and effective against air units. Can learn the Gyrocopter Bombs upgrade.

External links[]
