Half-human[1] is the term used to describe individuals who have descended from a parent that is a human (or near-human) or half-human and a parent of any other species (such as a high elf, night elf, orc, ogre, blood elf, dwarf, etc).[2] Orcs, and even Garona, viewed her heritage as being half-human (from Draenor "humans"[3]) although she is part draenei and orc.[4] [5] (W1Man #?) There are also rare half-ogres of half-human descent.[6] (HPG 7)
Specific Iindividuals[]
Finnall Goldensword - The presumed daughter of Daelin Proudmoore and Kilnar Goldensword.
Arator the Redeemer - The half-elven son of Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner; has been added to the game with the Burning Crusade expansion. He is currently the only known half-elf in World of Warcraft.[citation needed] Arator uses a blood elf model.
Borivar - A former half-elf now turned into a wraith.
Ielephia - A former half-elf turned into a banshee.
Magistrate Randalvarr - Magistrate of Valgarde in Northrend.
Apothecary Oni'jus - A former half-elf, now Forsaken, and second in command of the Royal Apothecary Society.
Silverwolf elf - A half-elf in legend.
Starfeller - A half-elf in legend.
Giramar and Galadin - The twin sons of Rhonin and Vereesa Windrunner.
Noteworthy "half-human" appearances:
Feulia - A half-elf of night-elf and, possibly, human descent.
Kalec - The half-elven form of the blue dragon Kalecgos. This form has dark blue hair, making him appear distinct from normal half-elves.
Garona Halforcen - A half-orc / half-draenei (alleged to have been half-human of draenor descent).
Types of half-humans[]
- Half-orc (In regards to half-orcs of human or near-human descent.)
- Half-human half-ogre
- Half-elf (In regards to half-high elf of human descent.)
- Half-night elf (In regards to half-night elf of human descent.)
- Half-blood elf (In regards to half-blood elf of human descent.)
- Drakonid - Described as a half-man, half dragon (although this may be figurative).
- Worgen - Described as a half-man, half-wolf[7] (MG 145) (although this likely figurative).
- Magnataur - Referred to as "the mammoth half-men" by the tuskarr[8] (LoM 85) (although this is likely figurative).