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Inv gizmo hardenedadamantitetube1010
  • Hardened Adamantite Tube
  • Item Level 70
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Sell Price: 3g

When what you need is a tube to contain and channel nigh-inconceivable forces, you can't do better than Hardened Adamantite. Created by Engineers with skill of 350 or greater

Materials required
Inv ingot adamantite
3x [Hardened Adamantite Bar]

3 Harded Adamantite Bars require 30 total Adamantite Bars, which in turn require a total of 60 Ore. Luckily, Hardened Adamantite Bars are also sold by Dealer Najeeb in Netherstorm for 12g in limited quantities.

The schematic for this is learned from the Master Engineers in Hellfire Peninsula.

As an ingredient[]

The Hardened Adamantite Tube is only used by engineering recipes.

External links[]
