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Hydross the Unstable is the first boss of Serpentshrine Cavern in Coilfang Reservoir. He attacks solely with Frost-based damage in his Pure Form, and Nature-based damage in his Corrupted Form. Hydross also spawns 4 adds when he switches between each type; their damage matches the Form he changes to. In order to survive his magic-based attacks, the tanks require sufficient levels of resists.

The usual approach is to have one tank maxed on Frost Resist and one tank maxed on Nature resist; these two tanks will manage Hydross. There are also additional tanks with a mix of Frost and Nature resist to pick up the adds that Hydross spawns on each transitions.

Resistance Basics[]

365 is the resistance cap against a lvl 73 mob. At 365, it is considered to be at a ~70% average damage reduction (they will be resisting 75% of the damage 80% of the time - see Resistance for more information, but be aware that elemental melee damage does not behave exactly like spell damage). Hydross hits for ~8,000 unresisted, so this should make the average damage about 2400. The way resistance works, the amount of damage actually resisted will fluctuate from 75% resists to 25% resist; so healers remember that this is an average, and your tank will still take spikes.

Here are some suggestions on your resist sets.

You only need 365 resist against a level 73 mob anything more is WASTED. So you should only need the core plate set and a couple other items.

Frost resistance[]

Item Slot Resistance Mats Crafters
Inv helmet 06 [Iceguard Helm] Head 50 Honored Violet Eye Blacksmiths
Spell frost frostarmor02 [Arcanum of Frost Warding] Head enchant 20 N/A
Inv jewelry necklace 34 [Pendant of Thawing] Neck 30 Revered Lower City Jewelcrafters
Ability warrior shieldmastery [Inscription of Endurance] Shoulder enchant 7
  • Honored with Violet Eye
  • 30g
Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance Cloak enchant 7 Enchanters
Inv chest plate11 [Iceguard Breastplate] Chest 60 Honored Violet Eye Blacksmiths
Inv pants plate 10 [Iceguard Leggings] Legs 60 Revered Violet Eye Blacksmiths
Inv jewelry ring 70 [The Frozen Eye] Finger 35 Honored Violet Eye Jewelcrafters
Spell frost wizardmark [Frost Armor Kit] Chest, legs, hands, and feet augmentation 32 (8 each) Leatherworkers
Enchant Shield - Frost Resistance Shield enchant 8 Enchanters
Frost Resistance Aura Buff 70 none Paladins
Gift of the Wild Buff 33 none Druids
Total 412

Since the maximum effective resistance caps at 365 (anything over has no effect), you do not need every item listed, and can vary it slightly. Once you have all the items and you are down to enchants, if you choose only one enchant with +7, you will only obtain 364 resistance. If you go for the shield enchant, you can hit exactly 365 (including aura/totem), or you can go for two enchants and have effective 365. While it is untrue that being at 364 resistance puts you down to the 50% threshold, you should strive for 365, because going from 364 to 365 yields the greatest return on your time-to-live compared to going from 0 to 1. Note: This wasn't taking into account GotW from druids which most all raids will have available and conveys 33 resistance. With that taken into account you can forgo some of the expensive enchants.

A Shaman's Frost Resistance Totem can be used in place of the Paladin's Aura.

Nature resistance[]

Item Slot Resistance Mats Crafters
Inv helmet 22 [Wildguard Helm] Head 50 Revered Cenarion Expedition Blacksmiths
Spell nature protectionformnature [Arcanum of Nature Warding] Head enchant 20
  • Honored with Cenarion Expedition
  • 100g
Inv jewelry necklace 31 [Pendant of Withering]

Neck 30 Revered Scryers Jewelcrafters
Ability warrior shieldmastery [Inscription of Endurance] Shoulder enchant 7 N/A
Inv chest plate07 [Wildguard Breastplate] Chest 60 Exalted Cenarion Expedition Blacksmiths
Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance Cloak enchant 15 Honored Cenarion Circle Enchanters
Inv pants plate 18 [Wildguard Leggings] Legs 60 Revered Cenarion Expedition Blacksmiths
Inv jewelry ring 69 [The Natural Ward] Finger 35 Exalted Cenarion Expedition Jewelcrafters
Spell nature spiritarmor [Nature Armor Kit] Chest, legs, hands, and feet augmentation 32 (8 each) Leatherworkers
Aspect of the Wild Buff 70 none Hunters
Total 379

One could always substitute a Savage Guard from Zul'Gurub for the legs augmentation, which will push the nature resist to 365 (366 actual, but effective is 365).

A Shaman's Nature Resistance Totem can be used in place of the Hunter's Aspect.

Druid Off Tank Gear[]

Despite the following table, most of a druid's non-crafted resistance gear will likely be BoE random enchantment gear from the AH - either of Frost Protection, or of Nature Protection. The rest should have resilience/defense rating, stamina, and agility. Resilience gear works very well for this fight, and the entire amount can be handled by [Timelapse Shard], [Alembic of Infernal Power], [Earthwarden], and [Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Resilience], leaving almost all slots and enchantments open for resistance.

Item Slot Resistance Mats Crafters
Inv helmet 30 [Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm] Head 4 (1x Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere])
  • 14,500 Honor point30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor
Spell frost frostarmor02 [Arcanum of Frost Warding] Head enchant 20
  • Honored with Keepers of Time. The pendant/head enchant you chose should be determined by which will be easier for you to get.
  • 100g
Spell nature protectionformnature [Arcanum of Nature Warding] Head enchant 20
  • Honored with Cenarion Expedition. The pendant/head enchant you chose should be determined by which will be easier for you to get.
  • 100g
Inv jewelry necklace 34 [Pendant of Thawing]

Neck 30 Revered Lower City Jewelcrafters. The pendant/head enchant you chose should be determined by which will be easier for you to get.
Inv jewelry necklace 31 [Pendant of Withering]

Neck 30 Revered Scryers Jewelcrafters The pendant/head enchant you chose should be determined by which will be easier for you to get.
Inv shoulder 24 [Shoulderpads of Assassination] Shoulder 8 (2x Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere])
  • Talon King Ikiss in Sethekk Halls
Ability warrior shieldmastery [Inscription of Endurance] Shoulder enchant 7 N/A
Inv misc cape naxxramas 01 [Syrannis' Mystic Sheen] Back 12
  • Commander Syrannis in Botanica
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance] Cloak Enchant 7
Inv chest leather 06 [Heavy Clefthoof Vest] Chest 12 (3x Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere]) Honored Cenarion Expedition Leatherworkers
Inv bracer 07 [Vindicator's Dragonhide Bracers] Wrist 4 (1x Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere])
  • 11794 Honor point20 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor
Inv gauntlets 25 [Wastewalker Gloves] Hands 8 (2x Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere])
  • Warchief Bladefist in Shattered Halls
Inv pants 12 [Heavy Clefthoof Leggings] Legs 12 (3x Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere]) Honored Cenarion Expedition Leatherworkers
Inv boots 07 [Heavy Clefthoof Boots] Feet 8 (2x Inv enchant voidsphere [Void Sphere]) Friendly Cenarion Expedition Leatherworkers
Inv jewelry ring 69 [The Natural Ward] Finger 35 Exalted Cenarion Expedition Jewelcrafters
Inv jewelry ring 70 [The Frozen Eye] Finger 35 Honored Violet Eye Jewelcrafters
Inv jewelry stormpiketrinket 05 [Stormpike Insignia Rank 6]/Inv jewelry frostwolftrinket 05 [Frostwolf Insignia Rank 6] Trinket 10 Frost Exalted with your Alterac Valley faction
Spell frost wizardmark [Frost Armor Kit] Chest, legs, hands, and feet augmentation 16 (8 each) Leatherworkers
Spell nature spiritarmor [Nature Armor Kit] Chest, legs, hands, and feet augmentation 16 (8 each) Leatherworkers
Total 168/168 Frost/Nature resist

Other buffs[]

Besides the group-based resist auras, there are additional options to raise your resistance. These are especially useful if your gear isn't complete yet or to be able to allow more gear options (increasing stamina, for example).
