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Inv misc bomb 08
  • Iron Grenade
  • Item Level 35
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires Engineering (175)
  • Use: Inflicts 132 to 218 Fire damage and stuns targets for 3 sec in a 3 yard radius. Any damage will break the effect. Unreliable against targets higher than level 50.
  • 1 Charges
  • Sell Price: 5s

Iron Grenades deals a small amount of AOE fire damage and briefly stuns any enemies in range. They are very popular with PVP players.


Iron Grenades are crafted by Engineers with skill of at least 175.

The components are:
Inv ingot iron
1x [Iron Bar]
Inv misc dust 06
1x [Heavy Blasting Powder]
Inv fabric silk 01
1x [Silk Cloth]

The schematic to make Iron Grenades is available from expert Engineering Trainers.


Iron Grenades are the weaker of the two crafted Grenades, inflicting 132-218 Fire damage to every hostile entity in its 3 yard target radius, as well as disorienting them for 3 seconds. They're the most frequently used grenades, due to their low cost.

Their PvP popularity is at least partially because they can be used while moving and they are created in stacks of 2 to 4 Grenades per one set of mats.

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