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Inv misc gem pearl 022020
  • Jaggal Pearl
  • Item Level 40
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Sell Price: 10s


The Jaggal Pearl is a rare pearl found inside the Inv misc shell 03 [Jaggal Clams], dropped by the naga of Zangarmarsh, and has a chance to be found in Inv misc bag 10 green [Bag of Fishing Treasures]. It is an ingredient in jewelcrafting recipes.

Jaggal Pearl as an ingredient[]

Jewelcrafting recipes using Jaggal Pearls
Skill Item Ingredients Tools Source
325 Inv jewelry ring 05 [Brilliant Pearl Band] 8 Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Jaggal Pearl]s, 2 Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bars] Inv box 02 [Jeweler's Kit] Trainer
325 Inv misc gem pearl 03 [Purified Jaggal Pearl] 1 Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Jaggal Pearl], a leather bottle of Inv drink waterskin 12 [Purified Draenic Water] Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Simple Grinder] Trainer
340 Inv jewelry necklace 03 [Necklace of the Deep] 3 Inv elemental mote water01 [Motes of Water], 10 Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Jaggal Pearl]s, 1 Inv misc gem pearl 01 [Shadow Pearls] Inv box 02 [Jeweler's Kit] Trainer
365 Inv crown 01 [Crown of the Sea Witch] 12 Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar], 4 Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantites], 20 Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Jaggal Pearl]s, 3 Inv misc gem pearl 01 [Shadow Pearls] Inv box 02 [Jeweler's Kit] Trainer

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