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Brewfest tent

The subject of this article or section is part of Brewfest, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.

Brewfest tent2

Keiran Donoghue is a sausage vendor available to Alliance players during the activities of Brewfest. He is currently unavailable at all other times.

Vendor information[]

Keiran has the usual Meat inventory, but also sells the following items, only available during Brewfest:

Sausages Available for Sale
Name Level Req Amount Healed Stat value Price
INV Misc Food 49 [Dried Sausage] 15 552 health over 24 seconds 6 stamina and spirit for 15 minutes 50c
INV Misc Food 53 [Succulent Sausage] 25 874 health over 27 seconds 8 stamina and spirit for 15 minutes 1s
INV Holiday BeerfestSausage01 [Savory Sausage] 35 1392 health over 30 seconds 12 stamina and spirit for 15 minutes 2s
INV Holiday BeerfestSausage02 [Pickled Sausage] 45 2148 health over 30 seconds 14 stamina and spirit for 15 minutes 4s
INV Holiday BeerfestSausage03 [Spicy Smoked Sausage] 55 4320 health over 30 seconds 20 stamina and spirit for 30 minutes 5s
INV Holiday BeerfestSausage04 [The Golden Link] 65 7500 health over 30 seconds 20 stamina and spirit for 30 minutes 8s

External links[]
