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Kelsey Yance is a level 43 cooking vendor located at Booty Bay in the contested territory of Stranglethorn Vale. He is in the Old Port Authority building

[42, 69]


See List of Stranglethorn Vale NPCs.


BankerGossipIconItem Quantity Price Availability
Mild Spices [Mild Spices] 5 10c Limited (20)
Hot Spices [Hot Spices] 1 38c Limited (20)
Soothing Spices [Soothing Spices] 1 1s 60c Limited (20)
Refreshing Spring Water [Refreshing Spring Water] 5 24c Limited (5)
Simple Flour [Simple Flour] 5 24c Unlimited
Recipe: Mithril Head Trout [Recipe: Mithril Head Trout] 1 30s Limited (1)
Recipe: Rockscale Cod [Recipe: Rockscale Cod] 1 30s Limited (1)
Recipe: Smoked Sagefish [Recipe: Smoked Sagefish] 1 4s 50c Unlimited
Recipe: Sagefish Delight [Recipe: Sagefish Delight] 1 45s Unlimited
Recipe: Giant Clam Scorcho [Recipe: Giant Clam Scorcho] 1 50s Limited (1)
Recipe: Cooked Glossy Mightfish [Recipe: Cooked Glossy Mightfish] 1 1g 60s Limited (1)
Recipe: Filet of Redgill [Recipe: Filet of Redgill] 1 1g 60s Limited (1)
Recipe: Hot Smoked Bass [Recipe: Hot Smoked Bass] 1 1g 60s Limited (1)


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He may be related to Thomas Yance and Micha Yance.

