- Kingsblood
- Item Level 24
- Sell Price: 30
- Vendor 1 20
Kingsblood is a Herb that can be gathered by Herbalists. Requires 125 Herbalism to gather.
Kingsblood can be found in flat areas of fields or plains. It can be found in the following zones - Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Ashenvale, Badlands, The Barrens, Desolace, Duskwood, Dustwallow Marsh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Thousand Needles and Wetlands.
Pickable Zones[]
- Stranglethorn Vale 19.6%
- Wetlands 11.8%
- Hillsbrad Foothills 9.5%
- Arathi Highlands 9.2%
- Stonetalon Mountains 9.0%
- Badlands 7.3%
- Ashenvale 6.9%
- Duskwood 5.3%
- Alterac Mountains 4.1%
- The Barrens 4.0%
- Thousand Needles 3.6%
- Swamp of Sorrows 3.3%
- Wailing Caverns 2.3%
- Desolace 1.9%
- Dustwallow Marsh 1.3%
- Scarlet Monastery 0.8%
Kingsblood as an ingredient[]
Kingsblood is used in the following recipes:
- [Shadow Protection Potion]
- [Elixir of Firepower]
- [Elixir of Ogre's Strength]
- [Greater Healing Potion]
- [Mana Potion]
- [Great Rage Potion]
Kingsblood as a Quest Objective[]
To gain reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood, Kingsblood is needed in large amounts (at the most 464 for non-human players, 424 for Humans). It can only be used to increase your reputation while Neutral and the quest becomes unavailable upon attaining Friendly with the Thorium Brotherhood.
External links[]