- Klaven Mortwake's Journal
- Item Level 1
- Quest Item
- Unique
- <Right Click to Read>
Taken from the Duskwood Chest in Westfall.
Klaven Mortwake's Journal as a quest objective[]
This item is an objective of
[24] Klaven's Tower.
The Venture Company <illegible text> It would seem that the fools nearly wiped out their entire operation in trying to stabilize the mixture.
<several pages appear to be torn out>
What I have noticed is that the fallout is extremely lethal. Imagine if <illegible text> Hahaha!
Am I going mad? Today I severed the head of one of my most trusted patrollers in order to get a better look at their soul. As I peered down their severed breathing passage, it occurred to me: I had not eaten anything in days!
Mathias Shaw has sent an errand boy to kill me. <illegible text>
He patrols outside now. Mindless, lifeless drone.
VanCleef...<illegible text>
Called me IN?? WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?? I am Klaven Mortwake! I shall not be told what to do by an insect!
<the rest of the pages in the book are missing>