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Kolkar Mauler can be found in Desolace

[67.4, 39.7]




Items Level Type Slot Drop %
Inv fabric silk 01 [Silk Cloth] 30 Cloth 36%
Inv misc ear human 02 [Centaur Ear] 1 Quest 24%
Inv misc idol 02 [Crude Charm] 1 Quest 9%
Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth] 15 Cloth 5%
Inv drink 12 [Sweet Nectar] 25 Consumable 3%
Inv potion 52 [Greater Healing Potion] 21 Consumable 1.8%
Inv fabric mageweave 01 [Mageweave Cloth] 40 Cloth 1.3%
Inv potion 71 [Lesser Mana Potion] 14 Consumable 0.8%
Inv scroll 01 [Scroll of Intellect II] 15 Consumable 0.2%
Inv scroll 07 [Scroll of Stamina II] 15 Consumable 0.2%


Items Level Type Slot Drop %
Inv box 01 [Worn Junkbox] 30 Container 18%
Inv ore copper 01 [A Pretty Rock] 1 Junk 14%
Inv misc food 13 [Wild Hog Shank] 25 Consumable 10%
Inv potion 52 [Greater Healing Potion] 21 Consumable 2%
Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine] 40 Gem 1%
Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade] 35 Gem 0.6%


Objective: Bring 15 [Centaur Ears] to Corporal Melkins at Nijel's Point in Desolace.
Objective: Bring 15 [Centaur Ears] to Felgur Twocuts at Kodo Graveyard in Desolace.
Objective: Bring 10 [Crude Charms] to Uthek the Wise at Gelkis Village in Desolace.
Objective: Kill 12 Kolkar Centaurs, 12 Kolkar Scouts and 6 Kolkar Maulers, then return to Warug in the Magram Village in Desolace.

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