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The Ladimore family lived in Duskwood, in what has become Darkshire.

Family Tree[]

Morgan Ladimore
Unnamed son
Sarah Ladimore
Unnamed daughter

IconSmall Human MaleMorgan Ladimore[]

Morgan Ladimore married a young girl named Lys when he was 18. They had three children, a son and two daughters. He was a knight in the Second War, where he fought alongside Uther the Lightbringer. When he came home after the war he found that his family had all died, causing him such grief that he killed three innocent graveyard attendants. Realizing what he had done he committed suicide, but because of his actions he could not die peacefully and lived on as an undead known as Mor'Ladim.

IconSmall SkeletonMor'Ladim[]

Mor'Ladim is Morgan Ladimore's undead form who wanders between Dawning Woods Catacombs and the Forlorn Rowe. Players are asked to slay him so that he may finally find peace.

IconSmall Human FemaleLys Ladimore[]

Lys Ladimore was wife to Morgan Ladimore and mother to Sarah Ladimore. She and Morgan had two other unnamed children, a boy and girl. Lys and her children, were presumably killed by the undead in Duskwood while Morgan was away at war. They are buried in Raven Hill Cemetery, marked by a gravestone which reads Lys Ladimore Beloved Wife and Mother.

IconSmall Human MaleUnnamed Son and IconSmall Human Female Daughter[]

All that is known about the unnamed Ladimore children is that they died along with their mother, as there are three gravestones at the plot Lys lies in.

IconSmall Human FemaleSarah Ladimore[]

Sarah Ladimore survived the attack that killed her mother and siblings, though little else is known of her early life. She joined Darkshire's Night Watch sometime after her father's death.
