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Laughing Skull Warden is a 62 Elite Orc that can be found in The Blood Furnace. Killing Laughing Skull Warden will give +5 (normal) or +15 (heroic) reputation with Thrallmar or Honor Hold. Can see stealth with ease.


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Skill Slot Drop%
Netherweave Cloth [Netherweave Cloth] 60 449%
Runecloth [Runecloth] 50 253%
Fel Orc Blood Vial [Fel Orc Blood Vial]quest item 1 72%
Roasted Quail [Roasted Quail] 55 45%
Morning Glory Dew [Morning Glory Dew] 55 26%
Major Healing Potion [Major Healing Potion] 55 11%
Major Mana Potion [Major Mana Potion] 59 7%
Eternium Lockbox [Eternium Lockbox] 60 6%
Blood Garnet [Blood Garnet] 65 6%
Tourmaline Loop [Tourmaline Loop] 90 Finger 3%
Laughing Skull Waistguard [Laughing Skull Waistguard] 90 Cloth Waist 2%
Laughing Skull Shoulderpads [Laughing Skull Shoulderpads] 90 Cloth Shoulder 2%
Vengeance Belt [Vengeance Belt] 87 Leather Waist 2%
Nexus-Strider Gloves [Nexus-Strider Gloves] 90 Mail Hands 2%
Flame Spessarite [Flame Spessarite] 65 2%
Vindicator Boots [Vindicator Boots] 93 Cloth Feet 2%
Laughing Skull Bracelets [Laughing Skull Bracelets] 90 Cloth Wrist 2%
Darkcrest Belt [Darkcrest Belt] 87 Plate Waist 2%
Bogslayer Legplates [Bogslayer Legplates] 93 Plate Legs 2%
Scroll of Spirit IV [Scroll of Spirit IV] 55 2%
Deep Peridot [Deep Peridot] 65 2%
Vengeance Pauldrons [Vengeance Pauldrons] 87 Leather Shoulder 2%
Dreghood Pauldrons [Dreghood Pauldrons] 90 Leather Shoulder 2%
Dementia Trousers [Dementia Trousers] 93 Leather Legs 2%
Netherstalker Greaves [Netherstalker Greaves] 87 Mail Feet 2%
Wrathfin Greaves [Wrathfin Greaves] 93 Mail Feet 2%
Smoky Quartz Ring [Smoky Quartz Ring] 93 Finger 2%
Zircon Amulet [Zircon Amulet] 93 Neck 2%
Cold-Iron Scepter [Cold-Iron Scepter] 90 Mace Main Hand 2%
Scroll of Protection IV [Scroll of Protection IV] 55 2%
Shroud of Frenzy [Shroud of Frenzy] 91 Back 1%

quest item Quest items dropped by Laughing Skull Warden

Also 34 random Uncommon item drops

Also 2 random Common item drops

External links[]
