Lightning Revenants[1][2] (aka Air Revenants) are revenants based on the element of air. The creature is seemingly humanoid, but rides on a ball of electricity rather than walking on two feet. A lightning revenant wears flowing black and yellow robes under scale mail armor and carries a heavy mace and large metal shield emblazoned with a single white-colored image of an eyeball. Etched into the shield, radiating from the eye out to the shield's edges, are yellow beams. The eye sockets of the creature's metallic helm shines with a menacing white light. Only its arms are readily visible, and appear to be crackling lighting bolts almost suspended in time. Lightning is a force of sudden strikes and distant rumbles, and so too are the lightning revenants prone to violent outbursts after long periods of sleep. Lighting revenants tend to roam places where towns or other civilized outposts once stood, but were destroyed or abandoned. They find small, safe hiding spots to sleep until their territories are disturbed. They attack intruders only to drive them short distances from their hiding places, then retire back into bitter sleep. Lightning revenants are unpredictable in combat. They often switch targets for no good reason. They are equally likely to strike tenaciously at the same foe regardless of other circumstances. A lighting revenant will use its lightning attack on opponents.[1]
- Az'Barin, Prince of the Gust
- Razor
- Halefnir the Windborn <Servant of Loken>
- Ionar
- The North Wind
- Altar Warden
- Scion of Storm
- Storm Revenant
- Stormfury Revenant
- Stormrider
- Tempest Minion
- Tempest Revenant
- Tempest Warder
See also[]
- ^ a b Manual of Monsters, pg 88
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg 141