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Lord Lakmaeran is a named chimaera located on the Isle of Dread in Feralas. He requires 7-10 people (at level 60, at level 80 he's soloable by most of the classes) to kill. He has no significant loot table, but is required for the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest line. He respawns in 15-25 minutes.

Attacks and Abilities[]

  • Melee: 1618 - 2147 Damage
  • Armor: 4344
25% chance of inflicting 496 Nature damage on hit.
Type: Magic
Charges: 20
Notes: Dispellable
  • Static Conduit
200 Nature damage inflicted every 3 seconds. Nature damage taken is increased by 100.
Notes: Stacks up to 50 times
Physical damage dealt is increased by 122. Attack speed increased by 60%
Notes: Occurs when his health is at 50%.


He starts off with Lightning Shield so dispel it immediately to reduce the damage your melee will take. Throughout the fight he will attempt to recast this so just dispel it every time. Spread out your raid as much as possible as his chain lightning will arc through players and in turn cause the stackable Static Conduit. He will hit your tank for around 1000 to 1200 damage on average. Beyond this it is a fairly straight-foward fight.



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