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Lorin Remka was the commander of one of the many internment camps where the orcs were held after the Second War. During the Second War, Remka disguised herself as a male to join the Alliance army so she could avenge the killing of her family and the sacking of her village. Her deception was discovered, and her commander placed her at the front lines hoping she would be killed (to spare himself the trouble of reporting her). She survived, however, and took great pleasure in killing orcs in combat — even going so far as to cover her face with their blood to mark her victory.[1] (LotC 103)

Remka apparently enjoyed as much luxury as she was able while in command of her interment camp — even using a female orc slave named Greekik as one of her servants. When Thrall was captured and held there, word reached Aedelas Blackmoore, master of the internment camps, at his fortress of Durnholde Keep — and he immediately traveled to the encampment to retrieve his "pet orc". [1] (LotC 104-105) However, Remka's orc servant warned Thrall of Blackmoore's arrival and the future warchief took the opportunity to escape from Remka's camp.[1] (LotC 108-109)

Upon realizing that Thrall had been there, but had managed to escape, Blackmoore demoted Remka and placed one of her lieutenants, Waryk, in command of the camp.[1] (LotC 113)

Her status is unknown.

  1. ^ a b c d LotC, 103