- For the common-quality vendor-sold item, see Mace (item).
A mace is a blunt weapon, usually composed of a heavy metal piece on the end of a long rod. Flails are characterized by a long swinging chain that connects the handle with a metal ball. Other maces have fearsome short edges, points and protrustions to add slashing damage. They are shorter than polearms and blunter than axes. The purpose of a mace is not to cut or slash like a sword or axe, but rather to smash and to crack. The game mechanics for maces are essentially the same as for other weapons.
- Maces can be given added features by applying a weightstone, enchantment, or a Rogue's poison.
- Both one-handed and two-handed maces can be wielded by Death Knights, Paladins, Shamans, Druids, and Warriors.
- Rogues and Priests can wield one-handed maces but not two-handed maces.
- One-handed maces are often used by combat rogues because of the high delay and high damage range, and casters because many exist that provide useful procs and/or attributes.
- Many one-handed and two-handed maces are crafted via the Blacksmithing process. Blacksmiths also produce weapon enhancements such as weapon chains and counterweights.
- Humans and Dwarfs are specialized in wielding maces, which translates into 5 additional points of Expertise.
Notable Maces[]
- The Doomhammer, legendary weapon of the orc Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer.
[Verigan's Fist], the reward for completing the paladin quest The Test of Righteousness.
[The Unstoppable Force], available at Exalted reputation with respective Alterac Valley factions.
[Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros]
[Might of Menethil], an epic two-hand mace that dropped from Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas.
[Hammer of the Naaru], another epic two-hand mace that drops from High King Maulgar in Gruul's Lair in Blade's Edge Mountains.
[Titansteel Destroyer]
[Light's Vengeance]
How Arthas's Hammer Was Turned Into Shadowmourne - Warcraft Lore
, the two-handed paladin warhammer of Arthas Menethil.
- Krolmir, Hammer of Storms, weapon of Thorim, the Titanic watcher of the Temple of Storms.
[Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings]
According to Warcraft lore, the two-handed warhammer was the favored weapon of the Knights of the Silver Hand, led by Uther the Lightbringer. Following the death of Uther at the hands of Arthas and the devastation of the Order, the weapon fell out of favor as that exclusively used by paladins.
Patch 2.3: Human and Dwarf Mace Specialization now affects Expertise with all Maces