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This article is about the 10 and 25-man versions of Maexxna introduced with Wrath of the Lich King. For the original 40-man raid boss, introduced in Patch 1.11,, see Maexxna (original).

Maexxna is the third boss of the Arachnid Quarter in Naxxramas.

Commander Eligor Dawnbringer: "Maexxna — born deep within the mountains of Northrend many ages ago, she was captured within the dread citadel Naxxramas, where she gives birth to her brood, feeding them the corpses of all who dare venture too deeply into Naxxramas."

25-man abilities[]

Maexxna has approximately 7,600,000 hit points.

Cast at the 20 second mark, and then every 40 seconds after that. Sends two players flying towards the webs on the Western side of the wall, encasing them in a cocoon and incapacitating them. This ability sends the player to the same place all the time, and therefore positioning the DPS where the cocoons will spawn makes for much easier destruction of the cocoon. When encased, 2475 to 3025 Nature damage is done every 2 seconds. The cocoon, which is called "Web Wrap" and has about 15,000 health, can be destroyed from the outside.
Cast every 40 seconds incapacitating everyone in the room including the tank for 6 seconds, dealing 2188 to 2812 Nature damage. This ability cannot be resisted, and the only way to avoid it is to be dead, have Divine Intervention, or be already incapacitated by Web Wrap.
Inflicts 4550 to 5850 Nature damage in a 15 yard frontal cone in front of Maexxna every 10 seconds.
Reduces healing taken by 90% for 30 seconds. This needs to be cleansed immediately, Abolish Poison being the most effective way to remove it during the Web Spray. Applied to targets in melee range in front of Maexxna, generally the tank.
At 30% health, Maexxna will go into a killing frenzy that cannot be removed. Increases physical damage by 75%, melee haste by 50% and size by 15%.
  • Maexxna Spiderlings - 8 Small spiders are spawned at the 30 second mark, and then every 40 seconds after that. These hit for about 2,000 on cloth and have about 14,000 HP.
  • She is immune to silence.

10-man abilities[]

Maexxna has approximately 2,510,000 hit points.

Cast at the 20 second mark, and then every 40 seconds after that. Sends one player flying towards the webs on the Western side of the wall, encasing them in a cocoon and incapacitating them. This ability sends the player to the same place all the time, and therefore positioning the DPS where the cocoons will spawn makes for much easier destruction of the cocoon. When encased, 2475 to 3025 Nature damage is done every 2 seconds. The cocoon, which is called "Web Wrap" and has about 6,000 health, can be destroyed from the outside.
Cast every 40 seconds incapacitating everyone in the room including the tank for 6 seconds, dealing 1750 to 2250 Nature damage. This ability cannot be resisted, and the only way to avoid it is to be dead, have Divine Intervention, or be already incapacitated by Web Wrap.
Inflicts 3500 to 4500 Nature damage in a 15 yard frontal cone in front of Maexxna every 10 seconds.
Reduces healing taken by 75% for 30 seconds. This needs to be cleansed immediately, Abolish Poison being the most effective way to remove it during the Web Spray. Applied to targets in melee range in front of Maexxna, generally the tank.
At 30% health, Maexxna will go into a killing frenzy that cannot be removed. Increases physical damage by 50%, melee haste by 50% and size by 15%.
  • Maexxna Spiderlings - 8 Small spiders are spawned at the 30 second mark, and then every 40 seconds after that. These hit for about 1,000 on cloth and have about 7,300 HP.

25-man strategy[]

This is a quick encounter that will be over in 2–3 minutes and hinges almost entirely on keeping the tank alive through web spray. You will need one tank. The tank should pull Maexxna near a wall and face her towards the centre of the room, the raid should position themselves behind Maexxna. Ranged DPS classes will be on killing cocoons. At the 30 second mark Mages will need to be on top of Maexxna to frost nova the Maexxna spiderlings. At this point the raid needs to AoE them down within 10 seconds before Web Spray. If any are left alive it is likely they will kill someone during it as they attack very quickly. Healers will need to apply abolish poison and all of their heal over time effects on the tank just before Web Spray. It is advisable to stop DPS at ~33% and wait for a Web Spray then blow all cooldowns to kill Maexxna so that she never does a Web Spray while frenzied which will likely kill the tank.

10-man strategy[]

Maexxna10m Positioning
The tank will want to pull Maexxna to the leftmost suspended block, and then turn her around so she faces the opposite block. Melee DPS should stand behind her and the ranged DPS and healers will stand further away. When the fight starts, make sure shamans set poison cleansing totems down, otherwise the other healing classes need to dispell the poisons Maexxna casts. Designate 1 or 2 DPS to monitor when she casts Web Wrap and to subsequently shoot the players out of the webs. Designate another DPS to snare the spiderlings she summons, either use a mage with frost nova, or something like a death knight to aggro the spiderlings as they come. Make sure the spiderlings are killed quickly as Maexxna casts web spray just after summoning her adds. Healers need to watch for poisoned targets, as well as topping the raid off before web spray is cast. She soft enrages at 30% and is easily killed after that.


Inv shield 28
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03
Inv trinket naxxramas04
Inv pants mail 21
Inv mace 1h stratholme d 01
Inv jewelry necklace 29naxxramas
Inv shoulder 72
Inv jewelry ring 48naxxramas
Inv gauntlets 52
Inv weapon halberd 04
Spell holy summonchampion

Inv belt 33
Inv misc cape naxxramas 01
Inv bracer 14
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03
Inv misc cape naxxramas 03
Inv helmet 108
Inv trinket naxxramas05
Inv chest cloth 44
Inv pants cloth 26
Inv trinket naxxramas03
Inv trinket naxxramas01
Inv trinket naxxramas04
Inv helmet 110
Inv pants mail 21
Inv shoulder 11
Inv offhand naxxramas d 01
  • Matriarch's Spawn
  • Item Level 213
    Disenchants into:
    [Abyss Crystal]: 1-2
  • Binds when picked up
  • Held In Off-hand"Held In Off-hand" is not in the list (Back, Chest, Feet, Finger, Hands, Head, Held in off-hand, Legs, Main Hand, Neck, ...) of allowed values for the "Item slot" property.
  • +42 Stamina
    +41 Intellect
    +43 Spirit
  • Requires level 80
  • Equip: Improves haste rating by 32.
    Equip: Increases spell power by 66.
  • Sell Price: 7g 56s 26c
Inv chest chain 17
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02
Inv misc cape naxxramas 02
Inv bracer 07
Inv belt 22
Inv mace 83
Inv chest plate08
Inv weapon hand 09
Spell holy summonchampion


10-man encounter[]


25-man encounter[]


See also[]

External links[]
