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Inv potion 1682020
  • Mana Potion Injector
  • Item Level 69
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires level 55
  • Use: Restores 1800 to 3000 mana.
  • 1 Charges
  • Sell Price: 50s
  • Cooldown: 1 min (Out of Combat)

Mana Potion Injector is a potion item that restores 1800 to 3000 mana, and stacks in stacks of 20.


This item is crafted by Engineers with a skill level of 345.

Materials required:
Inv gizmo felironcasing
1x [Fel Iron Casing]
Inv gizmo felironbolts
1x [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts]
Inv misc leatherscrap 10
2x [Knothide Leather]
Inv potion 137
20x [Super Mana Potion]

Reduced to its most base components, it will require the following materials to craft.

Materials required:
Inv ore feliron
8x [Fel Iron Ore]
Inv misc leatherscrap 10
2x [Knothide Leather]
Inv misc herb dreamingglory
40x [Dreaming Glory]
Inv misc herb felweed
20x [Felweed]
Inv alchemy imbuedvial
20x [Imbued Vial]

[Schematic: Mana Potion Injector] is available as both a random BoE world drop and a BoP drop from Kael'thas Sunstrider in Magisters' Terrace.


This item shares the same 1 minute cooldown as all other healing and mana potions, starting once the imbiber is out of combat.

For non-engineers, this item has characteristics identical to [Super Mana Potion].

As of Patch 2.2, you create a stack of 20 Mana Potion Injectors with one charge each, instead of one Mana Potion Injector with 20 charges.

As of Patch 2.3, this item no longer requires engineering to use.

As of Patch 3.2, all stackable potions now stack to 20 (instead of 5), eliminating the stacking benefit of this item. Engineers that use Mana Potion Injectors now gain a 25% bonus when used, making the injector restore 2250 to 3750 mana.


There are two items with the name Mana Potion Injector, one with one charge, and one with twenty charges. Blizzard lists both in The Armory. The one with 20 charges lists no current source. Those should disappear from WoW as they are used up.

The flavor text on the old style Mana Potion Injector tooltip now reads:

"They just don't make 'em like this anymore..."

If you have an old style Mana Potion Injector or buy one from the auction house, be aware that they do not stack, but have 20 charges.

External links[]
