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This article or section contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and official bonus maps.


The Master of Pain was a powerful doomguard champion who lived in red desert of Outland under the command of Magtheridon.He guarded treasure in Magtheridon's Black Temple. He was killed when a force of blood elves and draenei under the command of Akama and Kael (themselves serving Illidan) assaulted the Temple. Upon his and the Mistress of Torment's death, the gates to the Throne Chamber opened.

Statistics of Master of Pain in Warcraft III[]

BTNFireBolt BTNWarStomp BTNDispelMagic BTNCripple
Firebolt Warstomp Dispel Magic Cripple
PASBTNScout BTNBloodLustOff PASBTNReincarnation PASBTNHardenedSkin
True Sight Frenzy Reincarnation Hardened Skin
Master of Pain's abilities in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
Unlike other Doomgurad, he had nine abilities.
  • 2500 HP (+85% HP more than standard Doomguard)
  • 1000 MP (+100% MP more than standard Doomguard)
  • 6 heavy armor (+100% armor more than standard Doomguard)
  • 71-90+5 chaos melee damage (+92% damage more than standard Doomguard)
  • AbilitiesIconSmall Warlock IconSmall Warrior
    • True Sight (can see invisible units)
    • Slam (damages and slows nearby units)
    • Frenzy (+ attack rate and speed movement buff)
    • Dispel Magic (removes magical attacks)
    • Firebolt (direct damage and stuns an enemy unit)
    • Warstomp (surrounding AoE stun)
    • Cripple (- attack, attack rate and speed movement buff)
    • Hardened Skin (Reduce all attacks done to Master of Pain)
    • Reincarnation (reincarnates when he dies)
  • Items