Maxan Anvol
[47.3, 52.2]is a level 10 priest trainer located in Thunderbrew Distillery in Kharanos, in the dwarven starting zone of Dun Morogh.
As a Priest of the Light, Maxan tests young students on their skills. If the students measure up to what Anvol thinks is good enough, he rewards them with robes 'denoting their place in the church'.
- See also: Dun Morogh NPCs
- [4] In Favor of the Light in which you are sent to find Maxan by Branstock Khalder[28.6, 66.5].
- [4] Garments of the Light in which you are sent by Maxan to heal and fortify an injured Mountaineer Dolf[45.9, 54.3].