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The Mooncloth set is not a true set because it does not provide set bonuses. The individual pieces provide bonuses to Intellect, Spirit, and Stamina. This is set is attractive to Warlocks, Mages, and possibly Priests because of the stat bonuses. There are no +Dmg or +Healing in this set. This set focuses on the HP and Mana pools of the caster.

Like the Cindercloth set, this set has 2 chest pieces. A vest and a robe. Stat bonuses for each combination are shown below.

The pattern for the Mooncloth Robe is found in Dire Maul. The pattern for the Mooncloth Boots is a quest reward requiring friendly reputation with Timbermaw Hold (see the Timbermaw Hold reputation guide).


Made by
Character requirements
  • Character level 57 (to wear the Mooncloth Gloves/Circlet)
  • Tailoring skill level 300
Materials Required
Mooncloth Cloth Items (with the Mooncloth Vest as the Chest piece)
Item Armor Rating Intellect Spirit Stamina Req'd Level Tailor Level From
[Mooncloth Vest] 85 20 19 12 55 300 Drop
[Mooncloth Shoulders] 65 17 11 9 56 300 Drop
[Mooncloth Circlet] 71 23 15 13 57 300 Drop
[Mooncloth Gloves] 55 16 15 9 57 300 Drop
[Mooncloth Leggings] 72 14 21 12 53 290 Drop
[Mooncloth Boots] 55 14 13 11 51 280 Quest
Totals 403 104 94 66
Materials Required
Mooncloth Cloth Items (with the Mooncloth Robe as the Chest piece)
Item Armor Rating Intellect Spirit Stamina Req'd Level Tailor Level From
[Mooncloth Robe] 87 25 12 12 56 300 Vendor
[Mooncloth Shoulders] 65 17 11 9 56 300 Drop
[Mooncloth Circlet] 71 23 15 13 57 300 Drop
[Mooncloth Gloves] 55 16 15 9 57 300 Drop
[Mooncloth Leggings] 72 14 21 12 53 290 Drop
[Mooncloth Boots] 55 14 13 11 51 280 Quest
Totals 405 109 87 66