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Mossflayer Shadowhunters can be found throughout Zul'Mashar in Eastern Plaguelands.


BattleMasterGossipIcon Level Type Slot Drop %
Runecloth [Runecloth] 50 Trade Good 33.76%
Powerful Mojo [Powerful Mojo] 55 Trade Good 4.80%
Roasted Quail [Roasted Quail] 55(45) Consumable 4.71%
Schematic: Flawless Arcanite Rifle [Schematic: Flawless Arcanite Rifle] - Engineering (300) 61 Engineering 0.59%

0.01% Chance of an epic drop.
0.08% Chance of a rare drop.
0.77% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.09% Chance of a common drop.
0.47% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created. This will not be updated.

Pick pocket[]

INV Misc Bag 11 Level Drop%
An Exotic Cookbook [An Exotic Cookbook] 1 10.89%
Heavy Junkbox [Heavy Junkbox] 50 5.44%
Roasted Quail [Roasted Quail] 55 4.66%
Homemade Cherry Pie [Homemade Cherry Pie] 55 1.55%
Superior Healing Potion [Superior Healing Potion] 45 1.16%
Star Ruby [Star Ruby] 50 0.38%

External links[]
