The Mother Shahraz encounter requires high levels of shadow resistance for all raid members. The following is a collection of craftable shadow resist gear that should be used during this encounter.
Assuming the raid is buffed with Rank 2 Prayer of Shadow Protection and that everyone has a Medallion of Karabor or Blessed Medallion of Karabor equipped you can reach the resistance cap(365) with the 5 pieces of crafted gear and no enchantments, allowing you to use your normal enchantments. Note that many guilds attempting Shahraz for the first time often do not have enough hearts for the Legs for all raid members, and thus use a combination of shadow resist enchants and gems as well as "of the shadow protection" greens to reach the resistance cap.
- 70 - Rank 2 Prayer of Shadow Protection
- 40 - Medallion of Karabor
- 40 - Night's End
- 40 - Bracers
- 54 - Belt
- 54 - Boots
- 72 - Legs
- = 370 Shadow Resistance
Materials needed:
- 1x
[Heart of Darkness]
- 1x
[Void Crystal]
- 2x
[Primal Life]
- 2x
[Primal Shadow]
- 1x
[Bolt of Imbued Netherweave]
Materials needed:
- 8x
[Heart of Darkness]
- 4x
[Void Crystal]
- 11x
[Primal Life]
- 16x
[Primal Shadow]
- 5x
[Bolt of Imbued Netherweave]
Materials needed:
- 8x
[Heart of Darkness]
- 4x
[Void Crystal]
- 11x
[Primal Life]
- 16x
[Primal Shadow]
- 11x
[Fel Hide]
Materials needed:
- 8x
[Heart of Darkness]
- 4x
[Void Crystal]
- 11x
[Primal Life]
- 16x
[Primal Shadow]
- 11x
[Fel Scales]
Materials needed:
- 8x
[Heart of Darkness]
- 4x
[Void Crystal]
- 11x
[Primal Life]
- 16x
[Primal Shadow]
- 28x
[Adamantite Bar]
Materials needed for gems: