- Mulgore Spice Bread
- Item Level 35
- Requires level 25
- Use: Restores 874 health over 27 sec. Must remain seated while eating.
- 1 Charges
- Sell Price: 50
- Vendor 10
This item can be purchased for 10 from:
- Farmer Saldean in Westfall
- Kazan Mogosh <Food & Drink Merchant> in Dun Morogh
- Innkeeper Belm <Innkeeper> in Dun Morogh
- Mike Miller <Bread Merchant> in Westfall
- Innkeeper Anderson <Innkeeper> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Neema <Waitress> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Nixxrax Fillamug <Food and Drink> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Fyr Mistrunner <Bread Vendor> in Mulgore
- Gretchen Vogel <Waitress> in Redridge Mountains
- Greishan Ironstove <Traveling Merchant> in Loch Modan
- Moorane Hearthgrain <Baker> in The Barrens
- Thomas Miller <Baker> in Stormwind City
- Bernie Heisten <Food & Drink> in Blasted Lands
- Laer Stepperunner <Food & Drink> in Thousand Needles
- Gruna <Food & Drink> in Burning Steppes
- Moodan Sungrain <Baker> in Mulgore
- Jhawna Oatwind <Baker> in Mulgore
- Kira Songshine <Traveling Baker> in Elwynn Forest
- Honni Goldenoat <Baker> in Loch Modan
- Nantar <Baker> in Ashenvale
- Kyndri <Baker> in Darkshore
- Brogus Thunderbrew <Food and Drink> in Alterac Valley
- Danlyia <Food & Drink Vendor> in Teldrassil
- Dwane Wertle <Chef> in Dustwallow Marsh
- Craig Nollward <Cook> in Dustwallow Marsh
- Myra Tyrngaarde <Bread Vendor> in Dun Morogh
- Bartender Wental <Food and Drinks> in Redridge Mountains
- Innkeeper Janene <Innkeeper> in Dustwallow Marsh
- Innkeeper Hearthstove <Innkeeper> in Loch Modan
- Innkeeper Keldamyr <Innkeeper> in Teldrassil
- Innkeeper Shaussiy <Innkeeper> in Darkshore
- Innkeeper Allison <Innkeeper> in Stormwind City
- Innkeeper Kauth <Innkeeper> in Mulgore
- Nargatt <Food & Drink> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Innkeeper Greul <Innkeeper> in Feralas
- Innkeeper Thulfram <Innkeeper> in The Hinterlands
- Mardrack Greenwell <Food & Drink> in Feralas
- Loorana <Food & Drink> in Feralas
- Tarban Hearthgrain <Baker> in The Barrens
- Shrye Ragefist <Food and Drink> in Alterac Valley
- Innkeeper Lyshaerya <Innkeeper> in Desolace
- Baker Masterson in Western Plaguelands
- Innkeeper Delaniel <Innkeeper> in Eversong Woods
- Jessica Chambers <Innkeeper> in Eastern Plaguelands
- Innkeeper Faralia <Innkeeper> in Stonetalon Mountains
- Caregiver Breel <Innkeeper> in The Exodar
- Innkeeper Jovia <Innkeeper> in Silvermoon City
This item can be looted from Captain Ironhill, and all of the Dark Iron dwarves in Arathi Highlands and Badlands. They're also found from the Dark Iron dwarves in Uldaman outside Dig Three.