- Murkblood Idol
- Item Level 1
- Quest Item
- "An idol of unknown origin or representation."
As a quest objective[]
This item is an objective of [66] Vile Idolatryω τ ϖ.
Droped by[]
This item is dropped by [65-66] Murkblood Putrifier. Drop rate 65%.
This item is dropped by [66-67] Murkblood Raider. Drop rate 66%.
This item is dropped by [67] Ortor of Murkblood. Drop rate 67%.
This item is dropped by [64] Murkblood Scavenger. Drop rate 64%.
This item is dropped by [67] Murkblood Brute. Drop rate 67%.
This item is dropped by [67] Murkblood Invader. Drop rate 67%.