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Source information needed!
If you click certain NPCs in World of Warcraft (ex. Guards, Vendors, Quest NPCs, etc.) they will make voice emotes. Here is a (currently uncompleted) list of NPC quotes.
Blood elf[]
- "An'u belore delen'na."
- "Anaria Shola."
- "Bal'a dash, malanore."
- "Glory to the Sin'dorei."
- "Our enemies will fall!"
- "State your business."
- "The dark times will pass."
- "The Eternal Sun guides us."
- "Victory lies ahead!"
- "We will persevere!"
- "What business have you?"
- "Yes?"
- "Death to all who oppose us!" (dismiss)
- "Farewell." (dismiss)
- "Hold your head high." (dismiss)
- "Keep your wits about you." (dismiss)
- "Remember the Sunwell." (dismiss)
- "Sela'ma ashal'anore!" (dismiss)
- "Shorel'aran." (dismiss)
- "Stay the course" (dismiss)
- "The reckoning is at hand!" (dismiss)
- "Time is of the essense." (dismiss)
- "We will have justice!" (dismiss)
- "Ah, you have a death wish. " (irritated)
- "What are you babbling about?" (irritated)
- "I do not suffer fools easily." (irritated)
- "I had no idea what you talking about!" (irritated)
- "I had little patience to begin with!" (irritated)
- "Haven't you forget something?" (irritated)
- "Mind yourself." (irritated)
- "Not very intelligent, are you?" (irritated)
- "Run away pest!" (irritated)
- "You need to stop!" (irritated)
- "These are dark times indeed." (irritated)
- "Why do you linger?" (irritated)
- "You waste my time." (irritated)
- "Choose wisely." (Vendor)
- "Do not loiter." (Vendor)
- "Everything has a price." (Vendor)
- "I have one of a kind items" (Vendor)
- "What do you seek?" (Vendor)
- "Your gold is welcome here." (Vendor)
- "Bal'a dash, malanore."
- "Glory to the Sin'dorei."
- "State your Business!"
- "Anu'belore Dela'na."
- "The Eternal Sun guides us."
- "What Business have you?"
- "Victory lies ahead."
- "Our enemies will fall."
- "Anaria'shoala."
- "You waste my time." (irritated)
- "Is there problem with you!" (irritated)
- "I had little patience to begin with." (irritated)
- "It is a wonder you have lived this long." (irritated)
- "Ah, you have a death wish." (irritated)
- "The Sunwell not amused!" (irritated)
- "I sell only the finest goods." (Female Vendor)
- "Your gold is welcome here." (Female Vendor)
- "Everything has a price." (Female Vendor)
- "Do not loiter." (Female Vendor)
Note: There are only male Broken in-game.
- "Light. Must remember the Light."
- "Hello, stranger."
- "We survive."
- "Must not... give up."
- "What do you need, stranger?"
- "A'khal hekita."
- "Live... another day"
- "What?"
- "What do you want?" (irritated)
- "Why you do this?" (irritated)
- "Ehhh..." (irritated)
- "Yes, yes! What?!" (irritated)
- "You go now!" (irritated)
- "You very strange..." (irritated)
- "You come back sometime."
- "Solam!"
- "See you."
- "Luck to you."
- "Peace for you."
- "Chroma, ekt'kota."
- "I can help you?" (Vendor)
- "Something you like?" (Vendor)
- "Anything you like?" (Vendor)
- "Buy? Trade?" (Vendor)
- "You find many things here!" (Vendor)
- "Take time if you need." (Vendor)
- "Good prices here!" (Vendor)
Death Knight[]
Note: Death knights do not have 'vendors' that sound different, even if some may sell things. This role is held by their ghouls and geists.
- See also: Thassarian (His quotes are shared by all death knights)
- "We press on!"
- "WHAT?!"
- "Speak your piece."
- "We will ravage this land!"
- "We will have our revenge!"
- "Hmm?"
- "You need something?"
- "Get on with it..."
- "Suffer well." (dismiss)
- "Ashes, to ashes." (dismiss)
- "We are done here." (dismiss)
- "Another time." (dismiss)
- "Tomorrow is another day." (dismiss)
- "My torture continues." (irritated)
- "There is no escape..." (irritated)
- "You'll find it hard to speak, without a head." (irritated)
- "You lost me at 'Hi'." (irritated)
- "All prices here are reasonable" (Male Vendor)
- "Archenon poros." → "Good fortune."[1]
- "Archenon poros!" → "Good fortune!"[2]
- "Blessings upon your family."
- "Come, speak with me."
- "Dioniss aca." → "Safe journey."[3]
- "Do you require medication?" (irritated)
- "Each day is a blessing."
- "Greetings."
- "I hope you'll find something usefull!" (Male Vendor)
- "Krona ki cristorr!" → "The Legion will fall!"[1]
- "Long life my friend."
- "May the light embrace you."
- "May your days be long, and your hardships few."
- "Must remember... patience." (irritated)
- "Ora teramos" → "Nalanora aca."
- "Orti'cha traveller."
- "Pheta vi acahachi!" → "Light give me strength!"[3][2]
- "Safe travels."
- "The Legion's end draws near."
- "The Naaru have not forgotten us."
- "Even the patience of the Draenei has its limits..." (irritated)
- "You're not even responsible!" (irritated)
- "The Naaru frown on such behavior..." (irritated)
- "There is nothing to do with you!" (irritated)
- "Would you stop that!" (irritated)
- "Welcome, welcome." → "Safe travels."
- "You are not normal." (irritated)
- "I've had enough with that." (irritated)
- "You bring news?"
- "All prices here are reasonable" (Female Vendor)
- "Archenon poros." → "Good fortune."[1]
- "Archenon poros!" → "Good fortune!"[2]
- "Always glad to help."
- "Belaya doros."
- "Blessings upon your family."
- "Each day is a blessing."
- "Favor the road travelled by few."
- "Have you any news"
- "How can I help.?"
- "I believe I hear someone calling you." (irritated)
- "I am listening."
- "Is this how you amuse yourself?" (irritated)
- "I'm getting tired of you." (irritated)
- "I'm done with this!" (irritated)
- "Krona ki cristorr." → "The Legion will fall."[1]
- "Let us speak." → "Nalanora aca"
- "I'm not amused." (irritated)
- "Light's blessing to you."
- "May the light embrace you."
- "May your days be long, and your hardships few."
- "Are you serious?" (irritated)
- "Please be careful friend."
- "Please browse my wares."
- "Safe travels."
- "The Naaru have not forgotten us."
- "The strongest spirits will always triumph."
- "We will persevere."
- "Welcome friend."
- "Who taught you to act like this?" (irritated)
- "You behave like a child!" (irritated)
- "You are welcome here."
Note: These are from Warcraft III.
- "Hi!"
- "Ahh, the great outdoors!"
- "Is there trouble?"
- "What is nature's call?"
- "Ya got my attention."
- "How are ya?"
- "Lo!"
- "Well met."
- "What's on your mind?"
- "Great t' meet ya."
- "Watch yer back!"
- "Be good!"
- "What can I do fer ya?"
- "Keep your feet on the ground."
- "Aye?"
- "Interest ya'n a pint?"
- "You're not amusing" (irritated)
- "That's not funny."(irritated)
- "You're startin' to bother me." (irritated)
- "What can I get for ya today?" (Male Vendor)
- "I've the finest wares in the land!" (Male Vendor)
- "Ya got my attention."
- "How are ya?"
- "Welcome."
- "Hello."
- "What can I do for ya?"
- "Well met."
- "Great t' meet ya."
- "Watch yer back!"
- "Be good!"
- "Safe travels"
- "Keep your feet on the ground."
- "You're not amusing" (irritated)
- "Think that's funny do ya? (irritated)
- "That's not funny." (irritated)
- "You're startin' to bother me." (irritated)
- "What can I get for ya today?" (Female Vendor)
- "What would you ask of death?"
- "I am Forsaken."
- "Dark Lady watch over you."
- "What now?!"
- "And you are....?"
- "Victory for Sylvanas."
- "Trust no one."
- "Our time will come."
- "Beware, our enemies abound!"
- "Remember, patience... discipline."
- "Hello."
- "Speak quickly!"
- "This had better be good."
- "I am not amused." (irritated)
- "Are you insane?!" (irritated)
- "Master yourself!" (irritated)
- "Do not tempt my wrath!" (irritated)
- "Be quick about your business." (Vendor)
- "What do you require?" (Vendor)
- "What would you ask of death?"
- "Hello."
- "What is it?"
- "I am Forsaken."
- "Dark Lady watch over you."
- "What now?!"
- "I haven't got all day."
- "What do you require?"
- "I'm listening..."
- "Embrace the shadow." (Farewell)
- "Our time will come." (Farewell)
- "Beware the Living." (Farewell)
- "Remember....patience, disclipline." (Farewell)
- "Beware, our enemies abound..." (Farewell)
- "Is there a problem?" (irritated)
- "I am not amused." (irritated)
- "Master yourself!" (irritated)
- "Do not tempt my wrath!" (irritated)
- "I grow weary of this..." (irritated)
Note: Ghouls (and geists) serve as the death knights' vendors. Minions also have these voice clips, even if they are not selling anything.
- "Me buy and trade."
- "Give or... take."
- "Me like... shiny."
- "Sale here."
- "Yes?"
- "Graagh!(minion)"
- "Gyaah! (minion)"
- "Greh!(minion)"
- "Grah!(minion)"
- "Greetings!"
- "My, you're a tall one!"
- "Hmmm, interesting."
- "Pleased to meet you!"
- "Hey!"
- "Salutations!"
- "Need assistance?"
- "Can I help you?"
- "Hi, how are ya?"
- "Alrighty, then!" (farewell)
- "You have a great day now!" (farewell)
- "Very good." (farewell)
- "Up and away!" (farewell)
- "Daylight's burning!" (farewell)
- "Be seeing you!" (farewell)
- "Was there something else?" (irritated)
- "Yes, you're totally annoying!" (irritated)
- "Bla bla bla bla!" (irritated)
- "Time to move on!" (irritated)
- "I'm not listening!" (irritated)
- "Making a special purchase?" (vendor)
- "Would you like to purchase something?" (vendor)
- "My, you're a tall one!"
- "Hmmm, interesting."
- "You have a great day now!"
- "Hi, how are ya?"
- "Salutations"
- "Can I help you?"
- "Hey!"
- "Pleased to meet you"
- "Good day to you"
- "Greetings!" (farewell)
- "Seeing you" (farewell)
- "Alright then" (farewell)
- "Goodbye for now!" (farewell)
- "You have a great day now!" (farewell)
- "Great!" (farewell)
- "Was there something else?" (irritated)
- "You don't feel strange are you?" (irritated)
- "Seriously?" (irritated)
- "Wouldn't you leaving?" (irritated)
- "Yes, you're totally annoying!" (irritated)
- "Watch yourself!" (irritated)
- "I'm getting tired of this!" (irritated)
- "Sorry, I wasn't listening." (irritated)
- "Are you through?" (irritated)
Male (Neutral)[]
- "Time is money, friend!"
- "Spit it out!"
- "I got the best deals, anywhere!"(vendor)
- "I got what you need!"
- "Ah, potential customer."(vendor)
- "May I show you my wares?"
- "Welcome, friend!"
- "Yeah, what do you want?"
- "Wazzup?"
- "Be good!" (dismiss)
- "Be careful out there." (dismiss)
- "Hm, interesting."
- "Heeey, how you doin'?"
- "Yeah, very funny..."
- "Alright, move along now!" (irritated)
- "I gota long day kid..." (irritated)
- "Shut it!" (irritated)
- "You're just embarrassing yourself..." (irritated)
- "I don't have time for this..." (irritated)
- "You, knock it off!" (irritated)
- "Yo"
- "Heh, heh, Glad I could help!" (dismiss)
- "Amateur!!" (irritated)
- "Keep it real!" (dismiss)
- "GTL friend; gambling, tinkering, laundry." Note: has been debated, laundering, launderin'. jersey shore ref
- "Can i lighten that coin purse up for ya?."(vendor)
- "Cha-ching!"(vendor)
- "You break it, you buy it."(vendor)
- "I ain't got it, you don't want it."(vendor)
- "Can I interest you on a payment plan?" (vendor dismiss)
Female (neutral)[]
- "Time is money, friend!"
- "Well, spit it out!"
- "I got the best deals, anywhere!"
- "I got what you need!"
- "Ah, potential customer."
- "May I show you my wares?"
- "Welcome, friend!"
- "Yeah, what do you want?"
- "Hey, how you doin'?"
- "Wazzup?"
- "Hm, interesting"
- "Be good!" (dismiss)
- "Be careful out there." (dismiss)
- "Keep it real!" (dismiss)
- "Hurry back!" (dismiss)
- "Hey there."
- "Greetings."
- "Light be with you."
- "What can I do for you?"
- "Well met."
- "Need help?"
- "King's honor, friend."
- "You need somethin'?"
- "Farewell."
- "Be careful."
- "Go with honor, friend."
- "Safe travels!"
- "Light bless you."
- "What's your problem?"
- "Knock it off..."
- "Can I help you?"
- "Kinda busy."
- "You're getting on my nerves."
- "For the Alliance."
- "I supply only the finest goods." (Male Vendor)
- "Have a good one."
- "See you around."
- "See you later."
- "Good Day to you."
- "Light be with you."
- "Need help?"
- "Have a good one."
- "Good Day to you."
- "Need Something?"
- "See you later."
- "See you around."
- "Safe Travels."
- "Hey there."
- "Hello."
- "I'm Kinda busy."
- "Knock it off..."
- "What's your problem?"
Night elf[]
- "Elune be with you."
- "Hello."
- "Ishnu-alah."
- "Ishnu-dal-dieb."
- "Greetings."
- "Can I assist you?"
- "How may I help?"
- "I am honored."
- "What brings you here?"
- "Elune light your path."
- "I am listening."
- "Del-nadres."
- "Till next we meet."
- "May the stars guide you."
- "Have you nothing better to do?" (Irritated)
- "Enough already." (Irritated)
- "Begone!" (Irritated)
- "Stop this nonsense!" (Irritated)
- "Ishnu-alah."
- "Ishnu-dal-dieb."
- "Hello."
- "I am honored."
- "Greetings."
- "How may I help?"
- "What brings you here?"
- "Goddess blesses you."
- "Peace be with you"
- "My goods are the highest quality." (Vendor)
- "Weren't you leaving?" (Irritated)
- "I don't want to hear it!" (irritated)
- "I've had enough with you!" (irritated)
- "Have you nothing better to do?" (Irritated)
- "Begone!" (Irritated)
- "Stop this nonsense!" (Irritated)
- "Stop it!" (irritated)
- "You won't like me when i'm angry." (Irritated)
- "What are you looking at?" (irritated)
- "I'm tired of this!" (irritated)
- "Enough already!" (Irritated)
- "What's your story?"
- "What can I do for you?"
- "I've got a bad feeling."
- "Get gabbing or get going."
- "Any friend of Greymane is a friend of mine."
- "We've been holed up for far too long."
- "Are you trying to make me angry?!" (irritated)
- "You wouldn't like me when I am angry." (irritated)
- "My bite is far worse than my bark." (irritated)
- "I will tear you limb from limb." (irritated)
- "I can not contain the rage much longer." (irritated)
- "Get lost!" (irritated)
- "I grew tired of you." (irritated)
- "You have my undivided attention"
- "Gilneas will be reborn from the blood of our enemies!"
- Our curse grants us strength!"
- "No time for dallying"
- "What's your story?"
- "What can I do for you?"
- "I've got a bad feeling."
- "Get gabbing or get going."
- "Any friend of Greymane is a friend of mine."
- "Are you trying to make me angry?!" (irritated)
- "You wouldn't like me when I am angry." (irritated)
- "My bite is far worse than my bark." (irritated)
- "I can not contain the rage much longer." (irritated)
- "I will tear you limb from limb." (irritated)
- "You dare challenge me?!" (irritated)
- "Get lost!" (irritated)
- "I grew tired of you." (irritated)
- "The only honest merchant is a Gilnean merchant"
- "Well ain't you a chippa lookin one?"
- "Keep your chin up, ey"
- "That's enough gabbing for me today."
Friendly ogres (Brewfest, Ogri'la, ect.) just makes a series of grunts when clicked on, but it is more than some races.
- "Zug zug!"
- "Blood and thunder!"
- "Strength and honor!"
- "Lok'tar!"
- "Thrall hall!"
- "Mok'ra!"
- "What can I help you with?"
- "Peace, friend."
- "May your blades never dull."
- "Strength."
- "What do you need?"
- "Go for the victory." (dismiss)
- "For the Horde!" (dismiss)
- "Go with honor." (dismiss)
- "Dabu." (dismiss)
- "You dispute my honor?!"(irritated)
- "Back off, whelp!"(irritated)
- "Are you challenging me!?"(irritated)
- "Will you stop touching me?!"(irritated)
- "Dabu."
- "Greetings."
- "Strength and honor."
- "Lok'tar."
- "Mok'ra."
- "Back off, whelp."
- "What can I do for you?"
- "Go with honor" (dismiss)
- "Strength." (dismiss)
- "May your blades never dull" (dismiss)
- "You dispute my honor?!" (irritated)
- "I am getting angry!" (irritated)
- "Are you challenging me?" (irritated)
- "Back off, whelp." (irritated)
- "Will you stop touching me?" (irritated)
- "Hail."
- "Greetings, traveler."
- "Greetings."
- "Well met!"
- "The winds guide you."
- "Walk with the Earth Mother."
- "Aah..I've been expecting you."
- "Peace, friend."
- "How may I aid you?"
- "What brings you here?"
- "May the eternal sun shine upon thee."
- "Farewell" (dismiss)
- "Be careful." (dismiss)
- "Go in peace." (dismiss)
- "Ancestors watch over you." (dismiss)
- "Goodbye." (dismiss)
- "We shall meet again." (dismiss)
- "Wind be at your back." (dismiss)
- "Ahh, I have just the thing for you." (Male Vendor)
- "Looking for something special?" (Male Vendor)
- "Ah, I have just the thing for you." (Male Vendor)
- "You are testing my patience." (irritated)
- "I have business to attend to." (irritated)
- "I have no time for playing." (irritated)
- "Have you nothing better to do?" (irritated)
- "Hail."
- "Greetings, traveler."
- "Well met!"
- "The winds guide you."
- "What bring you here?"
- "Walk with the Earth Mother."
- "Ah, I've been expecting you."
- "May the eternal sun shine upon thee."
- "You wish to speak?"
- "Drink my milk!" (Female Vendor)
- "Looking for something special?" (Female Vendor)
- "Ah, I have just the thing for you." (Female Vendor)
- "Away! Pest." (Irritated)
- "You are not amusing." (Irritated)
- "By the eternal!" (Irritated)
- "You are testing my patience" (irritated)
- "I have business to attend to" (irritated)
- "'Ello, mon."
- "Don't be shy."
- "Greetings, mon."
- "Talk to me."
- "Who you be?"
- "How you doin', mon?"
- "What'cha want?"
- "You come get da Voodoo."
- "Relax."
- "Hello, mon!"
- "What be on your mind?"
- "Later." (dismiss)
- "Spirits be with you, mon." (dismiss)
- "Be seeing ya."(dismiss)
- "Stay away from the Voodoo." (dismiss)
- "What'cha looking for?" (male vendor)
- "Me got the good stuff, mon." (male vendor)
- "Be cool mon!" (irritated)
- "Making me angry, mon." (irritated)
- "The spirit not amused." (irritated)
- "Okay dokay"
- "Taz'dingooo!"
- "Don't be shy."
- "How you doin', mon?"
- "Hey dere!"
- "How are ya?"
- "Talk to me."
- "Hello, mon!"
- "You come get the Voodoo."(female vendor)
- "Relax." (female vendor)
- "What'cha looking for?" (female vendor)
- "Me got the good stuff, mon." (female vendor)
- "Good to meet'cha" (dismiss)
- "Be good" (dismiss)
- "Be seeing ya." (dismiss)
- "Okay dokay" (dismiss)
- "Stay away from the Voodoo." (dismiss)
- "You be careful, mon" (dismiss)
Note: There are only male Tuskarr in-game.
- "What troubles you?"
- "May your nets always be full."
- "Yes, shalashka."
- "Let us visit for a while."
- "Stay warm!"
- "Who is this that speaks?"
- "Good hunting!"
- "Your company is welcome."
Note: Some vrykul, like Warsmith Sigfinna, speak when clicked on.
- ^ a b c d
Sean Copeland 2014-04-02. .@Effraeti Hey there! "Krona ki cristorr!" = "The Legion will fall!", and "Archenon poros." = "Good fortune." Hope that helps! :). Twitter.com.
- ^ a b c
Sean Copeland 2014-04-14. @Lagrimasdeargus "strength", "Archenon poros." = "Good fortune".. Twitter.com.
- ^ a b
Sean Copeland 2014-04-14. .@Lagrimasdeargus "Krona ki cristorr!" = "The Legion will fall!", "Dioniss aca." = "Safe journey.", "Pheta vi acahachi!" = "Light give me(c). Twitter.com.